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I wake up to the beautiful view of the sunset. 6:30am. It was still early but I decided to get up and go for a morning walk along the beach to clear my head a little. I explore the town of Byron Bay and it looked absolutely beautiful in the morning. All the surfers out for their morning surf and all the morning runners running with their dogs. If I could, I would live by the beach in this beautiful place.

I get back by 7:30 and no one was up yet. I decide to cook up a little morning treat for everyone. My specialty, crepes with nutella and caramelised bananas. I set the table on the balcony so that we could eat breakfast with a beautiful view.

"Morning, Bianca. You're up early?" Says JJ, giving me a morning hug.

"Not that early. I went on a walk earlier actually." I smile.

"Ahh, okay." He says, looking down at the crepes cooking in the pan. "It smells beautiful, B." He says putting his arm around me.

"Why thank you." I laugh. Our conversation is interrupted by the sound of footsteps. Marcus walks in and gives a confused and disappointed look as he says Jason and I in the kitchen.

"Morning, Marcus." Says Jason, taking his hand away from my shoulder straight away.

"Morning." He says, not looking at either of us, as he takes a seat. He is then followed by Jake, Luke, Abby and Milla.

"It smells amazing, Bianca!" Says Luke as he walks into the kitchen.

"Thank you, Lukey." I smile "I woke up early this morning and decided to make you guys my specialty, Crepes and Nutella with caramelised banana!" I get thank you's from everyone as Josh and Lara take their seats.

"Alright, Jason do you mind waking up the love birds for me so we can all eat?" I say, as I start to put all the crepes on plates ready for everyone to eat.

There was plenty of conversation around the table as we talked about what our plans were for today.

"Us boys want to go down to the beach and surf for a bit. You girls can come down aswell if you want?" Says Josh, who I knew loved to surf. Us girls all agree as we make the plan to be ready to leave at 9.

"I'll help you wash up." I hear Marcus say, after everyone left the table "If you want."

"Oh," I say, a little shocked at his offer "Yeah. Thank you that would be great."

We clear the table in silence but it was still nice to have his company.

"Look, Bianca," He starts, as he puts the last plates down into the sink "I'm sorry." He looks down.

"Marcus-" I start, but get cut off straight away.

"No, Bianca. I was wrong. I shouldn't have tried to kiss you. You clearly weren't ready and I should've waited." He blurts, still unable to look me in the eye. "I just-"

"No, Marcus. It's not your fault. I shouldn't have pulled away and lead you on like that. I should've said sorry earlier." I say, looking into his chocolate, brown eyes. "Please don't be sorry." I say, starting to tear up.

"Bianca," He says, as he wipes a tear from my face "Don't cry." He says pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you, Marcus." I says, as I look up at him.


"Just being here."

- ♡ -

happy saturday all, sorry for not updating yesterday, just been very busy!

I know this is short buttttttt i promise the next one will be longer ;)))

this is kind of just a filler

so yeah

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now