thirty two

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I force myself out of bed. I was a mess and had stayed in bed for the past couple of days. I've trapped myself in my room with Daisy attempting to talk to me at some points. I had completely shut everybody out, not answering anyone's texts or calls.

I haven't heard anything about Marcus, not that I wanted to. I was mad, sad and hurt from the whole ordeal. I'm sure Tayla would be with him right now, he's basically all hers now. I was leaving for London after all.

I use all the power I had in me to get myself out of bed, feeling dizzy after being on my feet once again after two whole days of being in bed. I had a management meeting today with my manager where I was to sign the papers for London. My decision was finally made and I couldn't wait for a new start.

I throw on my black jeans, a black tee and my slides. I dry my hair and don't even bother with make up, I grab my bag and head out of my room, for the first time in a while.

"Morning, B." Says Daisy, quite shocked to see me out of my room. She walks up to me straight away and gives me a hug.

"Morning." I say, blankly. She gives me a forced smile, happy to see me as I fill up a drink bottle.

"Jason called." She says, I stop what I'm doing and give her a nod, not looking at her before she changes the subject "Where are you off to?"

"Meeting." I say "I'll be back whenever." I lean in to give her a hug before closing the door behind me before I could hear her response.


"Hi, Bianca." Says Jay, as I take a seat nervously infront of her "This is Beau, the main producer at Trident Studios and will be your manager."

"Nice to meet you." I smile up at the quite young man in a suit looking down at me.

"You too." He smiles, putting his hand out for me to shake.

"Now, I hear that you've finally made your decision," He smiles "I'm here to tell you everything you need to know about London and the contract." I nod. Everything that was on the contract was broken down for me, where I'd live, what I'd have to do and how long I'd be under their name.

"You will be touring with some of the biggest names. You will be opening for The Vamps whilst they tour around London, which will be around 3 months, and then Shawn Mendes for another 3 months. So that's 6 months in total. Everything will be up to us, you will have your own apartment and everything will be taken care off. You will have the opportunity to record with the most amazing producers and produce a single as well as do radio interviews. It will be great." He smiles at me, as he reads through the 4 page contract. I look up at Jay as she gives me a reassuring smile, urging me to sign the papers.

I pick up the pen, my palms were sweating because I was so nervous. I sign the papers and feel the weight lifted off my shoulders.

"I will definitely keep in touch and see you the confirmed dates but until then take care of yourself, we can't wait to work with you." He smiles as I shake his hand.

As the realisation hits, I begin to question my decision. Was I doing the right thing? I have to leave everything I had built and I had known behind. My family, my bestfriend and Marcus. I have worked so hard for everything I had and now I had to leave it all behind.


I find myself at my brother's apartment, where I didn't often go.

"B? Come in." He says, quite shocked to see me at standing at his door. I walk into the apartment, as I take a seat on the couch.

"I signed the papers." I blurt, as I look at him, my eyes watering.

"Oh," He says "That's great!" He says, taking a seat next to me. I give him a smile just so that I wouldn't start crying.

"When will you be off?"

"Very soon. Everything will be confirmed anytime now."

"That's so good, Bianca. I'm so happy for you." He smiles, pulling me into a hug. I let a tear roll down my cheek as I pull away and Bryce sees the tears "Bianca? What's wrong?"

"I just don't want to leave you guys." I say, wiping my tears away.

"Hey, dude. Who's tha-" Says a tall figure walking into the room before realising the situation "Oh, hey Bianca. I'm sorry for interrupting." Says Jack apologetically, walking into the living room, with his sports bag in hand as he was heading out for training.

"Hey, Jack. You're right." I say, wiping my tears away.

"Woah, woah, woah" He says, making his way over to me and looking at my tears "Do I need to beat someone up?"

I laugh at him as I playfully punch his arm. "Don't you have to be somewhere?"

"Yeah, I'm heading off to training. Your turn for dinner tonight, Hart. Better be gourmet." He smirks at Bryce as I laugh at the banter "See you, Bianca. Keep smiling, we all love seeing that smile." He winks at me as I give him a cheeky smile.

"I'm off, losers." He yells out as he shuts the door behind him.

- -

and she's moving! How do we all feel about Bianca's decision?

How is everyone's day going? Been so slack lately, really need to get back into it! :(

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now