twenty four

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"Hey, honey." Mum says with her bright smile, opening the door.

"Hey, mum." I say, giving her a big hug before walking in. I take a seat on the couch and soon learn that everyone else was either out or at work and it was only mum home. That worked in my favour since I wanted to talk to her about London because she was the most important person in my life and her opinion mattered the most to me.

"How have you been doing, love?" She says from the kitchen as she started cutting the brownies she had just baked, fresh out of the oven.

"I've been doing okay, mum." I say. This was the perfect time to bring up London. C'mon Bianca.

"How's Marcus been?"

I take a long pause before answering knowing that this was more than just a one word answer and I needed to tell her about the little incident between Alex and Marcus.

"Alex, who I sure you remember, is actually good mates with Marcus," I start, she pauses what she's doing and starts to take a seat near me, engaged in my story "He was at the bar at one of my gigs, with Marcus. Marcus introduced us to each other and we just went along with it. Which now in hindsight, I should've said something then and there. The next day, Alex started texting me and Marcus basically saw the messages before I could tell him that Alex and I we're in a relationship." I frown. My mum holds my hand, seeing the pain in my eyes as they start to water. I take a deep breath not wanting to cry about it.

"Alex then came to my apartment because he wanted to talk and I really didn't want to. I was over it but he showed up anyways and kissed me. Marcus came and saw it and took it the wrong way. The boys got into a scuffle all because of me. Marcus hasn't talked to me since." I continue.

"Oh, B." She says, pulling me into a hug and stroking my hair. I cry into her shoulder as she tries to settle me down before giving me one of her pep talks that I had long needed.

"Bianca, my love, it's okay." She says, looking at me, wiping my tears away.

"Mum?" I say looking up at her, trying to catch my breath back.

"Yes, darling."

"I got a very good offer, a record company wants to sign me." I say to her as I watch her face fill with excitement. She gives me a massive hug congratulating me and telling me how proud she was of me. "They're based in London." I see her excitement die down a bit as her face soon changes to a shocked expression but continues to give me the biggest smile.

"That's great, hunny" She says "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks, mum." I smile, followed by crying into her shoulder. So many emotions were going through my mind at the moment. I was as much sad as happy and I didn't know to cope with it.

"Aw, Bianca. No need to cry my love, it's an amazing thing!" She laughs at me.

"I don't want to leave you all."

"Oh, bubba," She used to call me bubba up until was 10 when I thought I'd grown out of it, hearing this brought back so many memories "you've worked so hard. So damn hard, Bianca. You shouldn't be worried about us all, it's about you now, my dear. It's your time." She smiles at me. I stay in my mother's arm, cherishing this moment I rarely even got anymore. Nothing felt better than talking to my mum about everything that had been on my mind. She was my bestfriend.


really really short one but thought this moment was important to include (: Tbh, i get so tired of waiting to update for you guys. I wish i could update everyday hahha! I know it seems so dry at the moment but I promise exciting things coming soon! I don't think you guys will be ready 😏

Happy Hump day all!

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now