fourty eight

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Sleep eludes me as I lay in bed for three hours just thinking. Thinking about what everyone else was doing back home. Thinking about how today would go or as much as I didn't want to admit it, I was simply thinking about Marcus. Was he wondering where I was like I'm wondering about where he was? I write down thoughts in a notebook as I snuggle myself in my new cosy blanket. It was where I wrote my feelings and thoughts in making it handy for when I was song writing or simply just wanting to get something off my chest.

My alarm rings through the empty room as I take my time to snooze it, already wide awake defeating the purpose of it. I sit up in my bed, yawning although I wasn't really tired, I was now overtired. 

I have no craving for food and decide to hop into the shower straight away, once again consumed into deep thought. It was all I'd been doing lately since I hadn't really gotten time for myself, let alone time to think. I hop out of the shower drying myself off, coming back into my bedroom that connected, looking through my luggage - that I should've probably already unpacked by now, desperately looking for an outfit. I throw on the first things I see - a pair of denim mom jeans, a white top and a cute little coat.  I comb my fingers through my hair before making my bed, smiling to myself knowing mum would be proud if she had been here.

I walk downstairs, opening the blinds letting the sunlight in. I turn on the radio to fill the silence, so I didn't feel so lonely all by myself when infact I felt like I was miles away from everyone in solitaire. I make myself a coffee before proceeding to take it outside, sitting in my little cosy area, baking in the sun.

I look down at my phone and feel an anxious rush come through me that I had to leave soon and that Beau would be here in less than ten minutes. There was no doubt I had stayed outside for way too long doing simply nothing.

I run upstairs, hurriedly putting on my shoes. I grab my black bag, throwing in my notebook and drink bottle. I spritz some perfume on my neck, before rushing back down the stairs concluding that I had now run out of time to even look at myself in the mirror one last time.

I hear a knock on my door, eight o'clock on the dot. Beau wasn't lying when he said he'd pick me up at a certain time.

"Morning." I smile.

"Morning, Bianca." he smiles "Ready?" he says, swinging his keys. I nod as we make the short, yet awkward, walk down the driveway to his car.

I hop into car, clutching onto my head, feeling one of my migraines forming. Maybe it was because I was just nervous but then again I've been having these migraines and stomach pains for nearly a month now, choosing to just ignore it.

"How was your flight?" says Beau, turning to me as I snap myself back to reality, clinching my fist to stop the pain.

"It was good. Just a bit jetlagged."

"Ahh, yeah. That's always the worst part about travelling." he says as I laugh.

"The house is amazing by the way. Thank you." I smile.

"Of course! That's good to hear. We want to make sure you settle in, we know how hard this move is for you." he says, sympathetically. I give him a fake smile as the forgotten thought of my friends and family start flooding back in. Day one and I already miss them, how was I to last three months? It doesn't sound like a long time but it really was. It didn't help that I was here all alone, no company. It didn't help that I left things behind that should've been fixed but weren't. It didn't help that the one person I was meant to forget is the only thing running through my mind.

My thoughts are interrupted when the car suddenly stops as I bring myself back to reality, assessing my surroundings. We were now at the O2 Arena, every musicians dream to be able to play in. I look at it in awe as Beau chuckles at my expression.

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now