sixty seven

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I spend my time between Daisy and I's apartment and at home for a couple of days, laying low with only Daisy, Caleb and my whole family except Bryce knowing. I felt like I never even left after settling down for a couple of days. I missed this lifestyle of being able to see my mum anytime and I know that she wasn't miles and miles away.

"Here let me help you with that, mum." I say, taking a washing basket of her.

"Well, Bianca I don't think you can really be carrying stuff like that either." Mum nods, disapprovingly.

"Oh, c'mon Mum, I'm a strong girl." I laugh.

"Wait why can't you carry stuff?" says Katie coming into the room.

"Doctors order, I might faint again." I say, relieved I could think of something so quickly without stuttering when I said it.

"Well then, let me take that off you." says Katie grabbing it for me as I suddenly feel so useless.

I didn't know when I was going to tell Katie. She was still young and I didn't know how she'd react. I know it wasn't the best example but I couldn't just hide it from here forever. She was my sister and we told each other everything.

"How's Zach going?" I smirk, taking a seat on the bench where I always got told off as a kid.

"He's good." she smiles, her cheeks going red "I'm surprised you even remember his name."

"Of course I do." I smile "We follow each other on Instagram!"

"Oh, of course you do." Katie face palms.

"So, when am I meeting this boy?" I smirk.

"Well, I'm going to his game tonight - Bryce will be there too and all his mates so you can come." Katie says, basically pleading.

"I don't know, kiddo. I just have to lay low for a while." I shrug.

"That's alright. I'll invite him to dinner soon." Katie smiles.

"BIANCA?!" I hear a familiar voice run through the door into the kitchen "IT IS! BIANCAAA!" says Jason, hugging me and lifting me off the ground.

"Hey, JJ." I smile, after he finally lets me pull away.

"Why didn't you tell me you were-? How long have you been-? You know what, never mind that, thank god you're home!" he says, excited like a little kid.

"I got back a couple of days ago." I beam. I was so happy to see him, my mouth hurt from smiling.

"Jason, what'd we say about runni-" I hear Bryce come in, his jaw dropping as I give him a smile.

"Bianca? You're back?" he smiles, pulling me into a tight hug.

"I am." I smile.

"What's all the ruckus in here?"

"Oh, hey." says Jack, barely a whisper. His body freezes as he stands there his jaw dropped in shock.

"Hey." I say. I wasn't expecting to see him either and I don't know if I wanted to. Things weren't 100% between us because of the events that occurred before I went to London.

"Why didn't you tell us you were back?! Anna why didn't you tell me?" frowns Jason, turning to my mum.

"Darling, I didn't know either." Mum shrugs.

"Wow, didn't know you guys were that close." I chuckle.

"Yeah, we're like this." says Jason, crossing his fingers together as they proceed to do their 'hand shake'.

"Wow." I laugh "I missed out on so much."

"Oh, you did." chuckles Katie.

It is only now that I realise how quiet life had been in London when I'm surrounded by my family and friends. They all mean so much to me and I honestly don't know what I would do without them. They make me the happiest person on earth and that's all I could ever ask for right now.

"How was it, B?" says Jason, catching me on my own outside.

"It was good." I say.

"No, seriously how was it actually? I want to know every detail." he says, taking a seat beside me on putting his arm around me.

"It was tough. It really was for the first month. But, the boys over there were so nice although they'd never be able to fill your shoes," I chuckle "but yeah, it was all fun. I had such a big house to myself it was so lonely, I'd much prefer to have a small flat."

"Wow, you talk like such an English posh." he teases "Its almost insulting."

"Are you listening or not?" I say, raising a brow. Jason puts his hand up quickly in defence reassuring me that he is "Yeah, it was all really tiring though, after rehearsals I'd have studio sessions or radio interviews and that but it was good it kept me busy."

"Oh, wow so tough being famous." Jason snaps, sarcastically.

"I feel so attacked right now." I say, placing my hand on my chest.

"Just kidding." Jason chuckles, pulling me closer "So, why?"

"Why what?" I say, looking into his big brown eyes as he examined my face, which he always did.

"Why the sudden move?"

"Well," I stutter "I fainted at one of my shows and I had to rest up for a while but yeah I just decided to go home." As soon as my words come out, all I want to do is facepalm myself. He's not going to believe that.

"Look, B. I've read all the articles, you're fine. You were fine enough to have another show after that so why'd you decide to come back?" says Jason, his eyebrows meeting in the middle, concern written all over his face. This boy knew me more than anyone and there was no way of getting out of this.

"Look, J it's hard. I can't really talk about it. Not right now."

"Why not?"

"Not before I talk to the person I need to first." I sigh "I just need to lay low for a little until I'm ready okay? You weren't meant to know I was back."

"Look, I can't just lie to Marcus and not tell him you're back. He's going to find out one way or another." Jason blurts.

"I don't know how Marcus is relevant in this conversation right now." I say, barely a whisper.

"Why not, B?" Jason asks "Because we all know the person you need to see is Marcus."

"Jason.." I sigh.

"No, Bianca. You need to see him. He's not doing well. You're all he talks about."

"Jason. I hear this every time. 'He's not well' or 'Go and check on him' but when it's me, he can't seem to do that. I'm not well either and I'm not ready to talk to him." I say, trying not to get myself all worked up.

"Please go and see him." Jason advices "He needs you."


hey guys! first of all, i'd like to apologise once again. I apologise for not updating, i've been super busy it's crazy! I don't even know if anyone still reads this anymore. I have a few more chapters that I'd written up from ages ago, i just haven't gotten around to publishing them. I promise I'm still writing though, i love this book too much to stop.

Which brings me to, how would you feel about book 2? After exams, i can focus on this again. How would you guys feel? I don't know if anyone would read it though to be honest. I've already done an outline of what it's going to be about so it's ready. Let me know what you think!!! Thanks again beautifuls x

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now