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good morning beautiful, can't wait to see you at the game today! (:

I smile at the text, convincing myself to get up and grab some breakfast, since i had patently slept in.

good morning (: me too x

I hop out of my warm bed and walk into Daisy's room to wake her up and see if she was up for breakfast. To my surprise, she was already up.

"What're you smiling at?" I smirk, taking a seat at the end of her bed as she looks up at me from her phone.

"Nothing." She giggles

"Daisy, i know you're lying when you start to giggle. C'mon now." I laugh, trying to grab her phone, desperate to see who she was so attentively focused on on her phone.

"I may or may not have swapped numbers with Caleb last night." She laughs, hiding behind her covers.

"Aw!! I'm a matchmaker!"

"Some could say that," She laughs

"You up for some brekky? Let's go to a cafe downstairs."

"Yes! I'm starving." She says, finally getting out of bed.

I walk out and take a quick shower then dry my hair. I put on some jeans and a sweater before applying a light layer of make up.

"C'mon B, let's go!"

"Coming!" I yell back as I walk out of my room, grabbing a bag. We walk down the street and walk into a cute little coffee shop. I order myself and Daisy a coffee and acai bowl each before taking a seat infront of her.

"So, what'd I miss out on last night? When you know, you guys were taking photos of Marcus and I" I say, rolling my eyes.

"Not much," She smirks "We were all just hanging out in the kitchen for a while." She smiles.

"And how's Caleb?" I smirk.

"Good," She grins, soon turning red "He's really funny."

"That's all you can say?!" I laugh.

"Alright,  alright. And not totally ugly."

"Oh, Dais. Just admit it." I wink.

"Fine." She says, literally looking like tomato by this point.

"Well, since I am such a good friend," I smile as I grab the footy tickets out of my pocket "We're going to the bulldogs game tonight."

"Yay!" She beams at me.

"Marcus actually invited me but I thought it would make sense to invite you, since you know, Caleb would love to have you there too." I smirk. She flashes me a smile.

We eat our acai bowls, snapping a few pics for the gram before we go.

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Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now