seventy two

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"Bianca?!" Geraldine smiles excitedly "What're you doing here!" She says squeezing me into a tight hug.

"Hello, Geraldine." I smile, hugging her back "I came back from London."

"That's great! Why didn't you tell me, Marcus darling?" She asks, turning his attention to Marcus.

"I didn't really know until a couple of days ago actually. We're still laying low."

"Well, come in guys!" She smiles extending the door out "Now, Bianca how have you been darling? We didn't expect you to come back for another 3 months but I can't get anything out of Marcus, he just shrugs it off when I ask anything."

"Yeah well I didn't expect to be coming home for another 3 months either but something came up." I say, turning to Marcus as he gives me a reassuring smile.

"Oh really? Everything okay darling?" She asks "I didn't expect to be seeing you guys together so soon."

"Oh mum, neither did I." Marcus says, a little uneasy "This is why we wanted to see you."

"You guys are scaring me now." Geraldine sits on the couch next to Marcus "What is it darling?"

"It's come as a shock and I needed to come home so suddenly because I-uh- I'm pregnant." I say, squeezing Marcus' hand. Not in that way - but for support. We were in this together and more than anything I needed his support on this. There is no way I could do this all on my own. I needed him now.

"You-you're pregnant? How did you find out?" Geraldine says, shocked.

"I fainted on stage and I'd been feeling a little sick for a while before that and then they took me to the hospital and did some tests. The tests confirmed everything."

"And it's definitely Marcus'?"

"Yeah. I'm 17 weeks along." I say.

"Congratulations, guys!" She smiles, giving us both a hug "so are you guys back together now then?"

"Not quite." I say turning to Marcus "We're friends."

"For now." He smiles, squeezing my hand tight.

"Well you better get working on it, young man." Geraldine scolds "Have you guys talked about what you're going to do at least? The 40 weeks go fast, I'm telling you."

"Yeah well, not really. We really need to have a good talk about it." Marcus says, turning to me.

"I know that you guys are both mature enough to work out the right decision and arrangement that suits you. We're all here for you guys."

"Thanks, Geraldine." I smile.

"When are you planning on announcing it to everyone else?" She asks.

"As soon as we figure out what we're going to do." Marcus states "So hopefully soon. Might have to have a gathering."

"That sounds like a very good idea." Geraldine smiles.

I admire the way Marcus talked to his mum and how everything he says is with sincerity. That was one thing my mum always taught me; a man will always treat you the same way he treats his mum. And this has come to be true. Although I've had to learn the hard way through boys that weren't quite as gentle Marcus was.

I can easily imagine myself building a family with Marcus, going back to the way things were. But things aren't always this easy. What if he wasn't serious at all and just felt sorry for me because he had a responsibility now? What if he still wanted to be in the dating scene, different model every night, and not want to settle down at 22? He still had footy to focus on, what would the club think? What would his supporters think?

How I felt was also important. I wasn't just going to come running back to Marcus. Not after everything that happened. I was hurt and I still am as hard as I try to just forget it. But how could I? How could I forget the nights I cuddled up to my bedsheets, clenching my fist and wondering how the fairytale I was living turned into a living hell in a matter of hours. I lost trust in people and it made rethink everything. How had he forgotten everything we went through? Everything he told me. Everything we had planned for our future.

But looking back on it now, as I sit with my ex boyfriend rubbing my stomach, carrying our baby, I have never been happier better to be home.

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now