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"Good morning, beautiful." Whispers Marcus, pulling my waist closer to him.

"Good morning, my love." I smile, giving him a peck on the lips before I try and get myself up.

"No, come back." Says Marcus, not letting go of his grip.

"Fine. Only two more minutes though." I smile back at him, cuddling back into his arms.

"I'll take that." He smiles.

"NO! CALEB! NO!" Squeals Daisy from the kitchen followed by laughter.

"What's going on here?" I say, rubbing my eyes.

"You disturbed our cuddling." Says Marcus, not too far behind me.

I get greeted by Daisy who had whipped cream on her face and Caleb with the can of whipped cream in his hands.

"Well, I tried making us some breakfast but it didn't go too well." She laughs, giving Caleb a glare.

"Oh, you love me Dais." He says, walking over to her and giving her a hug from behind.

"Not anymore." She frowns.

I take a seat on the couch and followed by Marcus.

"Babe, what're we doing today?" Marcus yawns.

"Well, first how are you feeling today? you were smashed last night." I laugh.

"Bit of a headache but other than that I'm functioning." He smiles.

"Well then, it's up to you my love."

"Hmm. We can go to the beach or maybe go out for lunch?" He asks.


"Or we can go for a long drive?" He suggests.

"We're coming!" Says Caleb and Daisy in unison.

"Do we have to take them?" Marcus whines.

"It'll be fun." I smile.

"Fine. As long as we take two cars."

"Deal." Says Caleb.

"Let's aim to leave at around 11. Is that okay?" Says Marcus.

"Yep." We all say.

"Dibs!" Says Caleb, running into the bathroom.

"He knows we have 2 bathrooms right?" I laugh.

"Beats me." Daisy laughs before making her way to her own room.

"Alright babe, you can shower first. I'm gonna lay down for a little longer." Says Marcus.

"You feeling okay babe?" I ask

"Yeah." He smiles. I get up from the couch and take a quick shower. I pop on a black bodycon off the shoulder dress and my originals. I dry my hair and put a light layer of make up on my face.

"Babe, I'm finished. Your turn now." I yell into the living room.

"Woah." Says Marcus, shocked. I give him a confused look. "You look beautiful, babe." He smiles, giving me a kiss.

"Oh, stop it!" I laugh, playfully punching his arm "I don't even look that good. I'm literally in a plain black dress." I laugh.

"You always look good though and it's my job to tell you." He smiles.

"Always bringing the cheese!" I yell before Marcus shuts the door behind him.

It was the little things that made me fall slowly with this boy. He never failed to make me smile. I didn't want to leave this boy, not when I was so madly inlove with him.

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now