seventy three

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"Hey, mum." I smile, letting myself into the house.

"Good morning, darling!" She gives me a hug "Thought you'd be still in bed by this time."

"Yeah, having an early morning. Just gone to grab the rest of my clothes." I say.

"Alright they're all upstairs." Mum says, pointing up the stairs "Don't wake Bryce up, he had a late training last night. He needs to rest."

"Too late." Bryce appears at the top of the stairs, stretching "Hey, B." He smiles, giving me a hug "Morning, mum."

"Morning, darling. Why are you up so early? You need a good rest for this tomorrow's game." Mum states.

"Yeah, nah I'll be right. I've gotten plenty." Bryce yawns "You coming down to my game this weekend, B?"

"Yeah, of course." I smile.

"Tomorrow night at the G, first bounce's at 6:15." Bryce says.

"I'll be there." I assure him "Tell Marcus I'll be getting ready to tag him tomorrow." He jokes.

"Yeah, yeah." I giggle, running away from the conversation. I continue to walk up the stairs and go into my old room which was now Kate's. I always knew that Kate couldn't wait for me to move out so she could take my room.

"Sorry Kate, just grabbing a few boxes with my clothes in it." I say, as I see her starting to wake up. Geez, since when did everyone start waking up so early in this household?

"Hi, B. You're right." She says, her voice still raspy.

I struggle to carry all three boxes, not wanting to make more than one trip down the stairs.

"Where are you going with that? Let me give you a hand." Bryce says, grabbing two boxes off me.

"Just going to put these in my car." I say "thank you."

"What's in here?" He asks.

"The rest of my clothes." I say, opening the boot of my car "Thanks, Bryce."

"No worries."

I walk back inside to grab my bag and say goodbye to mum after successfully fitting the three boxes in my Jeep Wrangler.

"You sure you don't want to stay for a coffee? We just bought a new coffee machine the other week." Mum smiles excitedly.

"I'll grab one on the go if that's okay? I'm meeting Abby and Dais today at the shops, I don't want to be too late." I explain. My mum nods and proceeds to make my coffee. I give her a hug, grateful for my mum's never ending support.

"How have you been, darling? How's the baby holding up?" She smiles excitedly.

"Very good," I smile, rubbing my stomach "going to buy some maternity clothes today as well as some baby clothes but it's a bit difficult at the moment since I still don't know the gender. So very excited."

"And how's Marcus?" She asks.

"He's well.." I say "we're still talking about arrangements and that."

"Bianca, I will always be here for you darling and you know that," she says, turning to me "but you know how good of a person Marcus is, give him a chance."

"I know mum," I smile, rubbing m stomach "I know."

I was still thinking things through. But it was difficult without knowing where Marcus was at and what he wanted. What if we weren't even on the same page? I knew what I wanted. I mean it's been a dream of mine since a teenager to start a family of my own. But this was definitely not the situation I had ever imagined.

I drive to the shopping centre we had agreed to all meet up, thinking about what I wanted to say to Marcus when we were eventually ready to talk about it.

I'd be seeing Abby today and she didn't know about my pregnancy. I was excited to tell her. She was one of the girls I always hung around whenever there a function on at the club. Abby was easy to be around and with her having two little girls, I knew I could learn from her.

"Bianca!!" Abby runs, giving me a massive hug "I haven't seen you in a hot minute, girl!"

"Tell me about it! I've missed you." I smile "Hey, Dais."

"Hey, B." She smiles, giving me a hug.

"How have you guys been?" I say, as we continue to walk.

"Good." Dais smiles.

"Yeah, not bad." Abby sighs.

"Where are the girls?" I ask.

"They're with their dad." Abby says.

"How is Jake?"

"Yeah well," Abby sighs again, looking for the right words to explain to me something I had clearly missed out on "he's moved out."

"Moved out?!" I ask, my jaw dropping having to stop talking to look at Abby pleading for her to elaborate.

"Things haven't been looking good, B. For a while. Even before you left for the UK." Abby says, her eyes filling with tears "He's gotten out of control. All he does is go and gamble, almost leaving us out of pocket.''

''Oh, Abby.'' I frown ''I'm sorry, I didn't know.'' I say, as I pull her into a hug.

''No it's okay.'' Abby shrugs ''If he can't do it for me. The least he can do is do it for his kids.''

''That's exactly right, Abs.'' Daisy adds, giving her a pat on the back.

''Anyways,'' Abby forces a smile, wiping her tears ''This is meant to be a happy reunion, let's keep it that way.''

''Yes.'' Daisy smiles.

''So, how you been B?" Abby asks as we walk into our favorite store, General Pants and Co.

''I'm good, really good.'' I smile ''I've got some news actually.''

''You do?!'' Abby turns to me, taking her eyes off the dress she was checking out ''What is it?''

''Look, I've actually come home because..'' I flash Daisy a smile as Abby stares at the both of us in confusion ''I'm pregnant.'' I beam, rubbing my stomach. Abby's jaw drops, looking down at my barely visible bump then back up at me before engulfing me into a massive hug.

''Since when?!'' She says, in shock.

''Even before I went to London. I just didn't know.''

"That's great, B!" She smiles, pulling me into another hug "Wait, who's the father?!"

"Marcus." I say, looking at Daisy for support and she gives me a small smile.

"And how are you guys?"

"We're working on it." I say, simply.

"Good because you couldn't have gotten a better draw with him. I mean it." Abby smiles.

"I know." I smile to myself.

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now