thirty eight

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"Marcus.." Starts the brunette who had mascara running down her cheeks "Oh." She says, looking at Tayla, soon realising I wasn't alone. Tayla turns to me as her expression changes.

"What're you doing here?" Says Tayla, quite aggressively. I put my hand infront of her, trying to stop her coming closer to Bianca.

"Tayla, it's okay. Just go inside." I whisper. She hesitantly moves away and starts to open the front door before giving Bianca a disapproving look. She slams the door behind her as Bianca flinches at the loud thud of the door shutting.

"What're you doing here?" I whisper, looking down. She takes a long pause, as I hear her sobs not knowing what to do, before she takes a deep breath trying to find a way to get her words out.

"You have no idea," She says, then pauses, trying to pull herself together before she speaks again "You have no idea how hard it is to not have you here anymore." She pauses again, wiping the tears out of her eyes "But you know what's even harder?" She waits a moment, I could hear the hurt in her voice "Seeing the one you love loving someone else."

I see the tears run down her face. All I can do is sigh. She was helpless and I couldn't help her. She was broken and I couldn't fix her.

"Bianca-" I say, barely a whisper but she cuts me off.

"I hate feeling this way," She says, her hurt quickly turning into anger "when you know something and they suddenly just become a stranger, how are you meant to deal with that?" She asks me. I stare at her, not knowing what to say "You showed me how a girl should be treated. You treated me like I was the best above all and most importantly you made me so damn happy in a world full of hurt. You had such a big heart and poured it out on me. You were my biggest support and my best love. You made sure I was always happy even if that meant your happiness came second to that. You appreciated me. You cared and you made me feel valued. You put me above all even over your career, which ultimately caused all of this." She cries.

She looks up at me as I look at her hazel brown eyes that were once filled with happiness but now was full of hurt and despair. Just by looking at her tired eyes, you could almost tell what her mouth wasn't able to. And it was all because of me.

"I-" I start, gently trying to grab her hand as she winces away and cuts me off.

"I'm so tired," She sighs, trying to catch her breath.

"Of what?" I whisper. She looks up at me as she looks down and let's a tear fall down her cheek.

"I am so tired of loving you the way I do." She cries. Although I didn't have feelings for this girl anymore, it hurt me to see her like this.

"Please don't do this." I say, feeling my heart ache knowing that I couldn't tell her what she wanted.

"I promised myself I wouldn't fall inlove with you. But I did and I hate it. You're so special to me," She says looking up at me, taking a breath trying to get her words out "You're the only one who I wouldn't mind losing sleep for, the one I can never get tired of talking to and the only one who crosses my mind constantly throughout the day. You're the only one who can make me smile without trying. I can't put into words how much you mean to me but you're the one I'm afraid of losing. It kills me everyday that you don't remember me or anything we've done together because all that's been in my mind is you and all the memories we've made."

"I can't-" I say, pulling myself back.

"You have no idea how much I spent my day looking down at my phone waiting for that I miss you text that I never got."

"I'm sorry."

"Back then, in your eyes, I was everything. But look at us now, I don't mean anything." She says, looking up at me helplessly.

"This isn't what I want anymore," I say, trying to look into her eyes as she flinches at what I say "I'm sorry, Bianca. I don't remember you."

"No," She whispers "I don't believe you." My heart twisted at the sound of her voice.

"Believe me," I say, fighting back tears of my own knowing what I was about to say would absolutely crush her. But words couldn't possibly be able to explain it. She was broken, I look down at her shoulders that are slumped over and her knees wobbling in weakness and bloodshot eyes that can't cry anymore because of the amount of tears she's cried "I don't love you anymore."

- ♡ -

what a chapter! This was so sad to write :( It really confirms Marcus' feelings hey? What do we think about Bianca coming to see him? And Marcus' reaction? What an emotional roller coaster this story's turned into, my god 😂

As some of you guys saw, I updated on Sunday saying that I will be on holidays for a bit and I asked if you guys wanted me to update or just leave it. Because you guys are all amazing, I've decided to get someone to update for me whilst I'm away so I will still be updating my normal 3 times a week! There's no guarantee that I will be replying to comments but still continue to vote and comment, I'll be answering them when I get back :) I can't wait to share more with you guys! x

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now