fifty nine

237 6 3

"Come downstairs" says James tugging on my hand in an attempt to get me out of bed.

"What is it?! It's so early." I whine.

"It's 9:30, Bianca!" he chuckles "Just come, people are here to see you."

"Alright, alright. Coming." I say, getting out of bed and combing my fingers through my hair.

"Come on!" he says, tugging on my hand in excitement.

"Calm down." I laugh "How'd you even get in here?"

"Door was open." he shrugs.

"Alright, let's go." I yawn, stretching.

We make our way down the stairs as James giggles like a teenage girl the whole way down.

"Surprise! Congrats B!" they all scream in unison.

"Hey, guys." I say, confused.

"Congrats." says Drew giving me a kiss on the cheek followed by a bouquet of flowers.

"Thank you?" I laugh "I'm sorry but what is this for?"

"For hitting number one!" says Tris, giving me a hug.

"Number one?!"

"Yeah Half a Heart is number one in the U.K. and Australia!" says Conor.

"No! You're kidding." I say in awe, putting my hand over my mouth.

"We're all so happy for you, B." says Austin handing me a box of chocolates with a card from the group.

"Aw, thanks guys. I love you all." I say, wiping my tears away, pulling everyone into a hug.

Likes  251774    Comments  138@biancahart: Half a Heart just hit #1 in the UK and Australia! Thank you all so much for the support, it's been so overwhelming x  Thank you to all my amazing friends for the surprise today! Luckiest gal ❤ @daisychamb...

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Likes 251774    Comments  138
@biancahart: Half a Heart just hit #1 in the UK and Australia! Thank you all so much for the support, it's been so overwhelming x  Thank you to all my amazing friends for the surprise today! Luckiest gal
@daisychambers: you're amazing 😍 so proud of you chook! x
@jasonjohanissen: that's my bestfriend!
@abbgilmore: absolutely killing it girly x
@thevampstris: welcome kiddo 😉
@jacksilvagni: mate 😍
@thetidedrew: beautiful

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