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"Good morning party people!" I hear someone yell "DJ JJ has come through and got everyone Mcdonald's!"

"Jason, do you have a life? It's 8:00 on a Saturday! It's our day off too." Caleb sighs, investigating the ruckus in our living room.

"It's not even that early. And plus, Jack told me to go and find something better to do so I thought I'd annoy you guys." Jason says.

"It's okay, J. I appreciate your effort." says Daisy.

"Oh, so now I'm the bad person." claims Caleb. 

"No. Just saying." I hear Daisy say. I contemplate getting up and joining the ruckus but I just have no energy.

"Where's B?"

"In bed."

"I'm here." I smile.

"At least someone's happy to see me." says Jason, giving me a hug.

"How are you?" I ask, pulling away from his hug and grabbing myself a drink of water from the tap.

"Good." smiles Jason "I actually came to see you so," he says, rolling his eyes at Caleb and Daisy.

"That's nice." I say, not realising my lack of excitement until Jason's expression changes "I'm sorry, that was meant to come out more exciting." I chuckle.

"Well anyways, dig in." says Caleb, taking a seat by the table followed by Daisy.

"Oh, now you want my pancakes! It doesn't work that way, Daniel." jokes Jason.

I take a seat, joining everyone on the table. I hear the conversations put on the table but I don't listen. I feel terribly guilty not being able to tell Jason, my bestfriend, the truth. Marcus and I hadn't talked about how we were revealing it to everyone and I didn't want to blurt it out to Jason without talking to Marcus before hand. After all, regardless of what Marcus and I have been through, he is the parent of this child too.

I proceed to take up everyone's plate after we'd finish as the boy's bring their banter to the balcony and out of the dining area. I start to make a start on the pile of dishes that was quickly growing.

"When are you going to tell him?" sighs Daisy, knowing exactly what was on my mind.

"I don't know, Dais. I can't right now." I sigh back.

"B, I suggest you do it sooner than later. It's better for the two of you." she says, concerned.

"Why's it a big deal? It won't change anything."

"Please, just do it." she pleads. Daisy knew something I didn't. I shrug it off and give her a reassuring nod.

After washing the dishes I hop into the shower and start to get ready for the day. I had my second appointment today and I'd invited Marcus to come along. I thought he at least deserved to hear his baby's heartbeat for the first time.

"You're going to be so loved, peanut." I smile, looking at my bump in the mirror.

I pop into my black skater dress before straightening it up and turn my attention to my hair. I straighten since that was the hairstyle that required little to no styling. I lace up my black vans that I had gotten matching with Drew. I grab a bag and my phone before heading out into the living room to look for my sunnies.

"Woah, where are you going?!" says Jason.

"Catching up with a friend." I say.

"And who would that be?"

"Why do you have to be so nosy?" says Caleb.

"I just care. That's all." says Jason, flashing Caleb a look.

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now