thirty three

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"He's been doing well, the tests have concluded that he should be fine to be let out very soon. And as for his memory, we don't know if Marcus will be able to regain it fully, but it is very promising that he remembers most of his memory. The biggest tip we usually say is to just continue on how Marcus used to live his daily life before the incident minus all the hard work and training of course. Which means, you'll have to take it easy for the rest of the year so that you'll be ready for preseason." Explains the doctor to my family and girlfriend Tayla. I gained my consciousness a couple of days ago and I remember everything up until I was told that I didn't have 6 months of my memory. I was confused and skeptical because I was sure for a fact that I was still with Tayla and just about to start preseason but apparently I was already halfway into the season and we were going strong going into finals. Where did all that time go?

My family acted weird towards Tayla, I always knew that they never really liked Tayla but every time she'd walk in, a weird vibe filled the room. My teammates have been more than supportive but have also been quite weird, especially Jason, Josh and Jake, which was weird since they were my closest mates.

I never really found a lot of time to myself, a lot of nurses and doctors came in and out and I was never short of visitors. I hated being in bed all day, I wanted to get back out there and training, but the doctors insisted it was important for my recovery.

"I'll be back, baby. Just going down to get a coffee." Says Tayla, getting up from her seat "You want anything? Didn't think so." She says, not really waiting for my answer. I shrug it off and just let her go, which left just Sienna and I.

"Sienna?" I say, turning my body towards her.

"Yeah?" She looks up.

"Why is everyone acting so strangely around Tayla? You guys have barely talked to her, there seems to be such an uncanny tension." I furrow my eyebrows as her expression changes. She pauses as she carefully thinks about her answer.

"You and Tayla broke up ages ago." She says, carefully.

"What?" I say, even more confused "What do you mean?"

"You and Bianca are together. Not you and Tayla."

"Bianca?" I say, thinking hard about it but it didn't ring a bell "Who's that?"

"Marcus," She sighs "She's your girlfriend of 8 months."

"But I remember being with Tayla."

"You only remember up until last summer that's why."

"Who's Bianca then? How did we meet?"

"Bro, it's not up to me to do that. The doctors want you to figure it out yourself. Look at all the photos on your phone and on your instagram. That might help." She says. I whip out my phone and type in my password confidently as I feel a rush when my phone opens successfully. It made me feel good to have some control over my memory.

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I took her to the WAG Ball? Why didn't I take Tayla? Don't get me wrong, she was gorgeous

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I took her to the WAG Ball? Why didn't I take Tayla? Don't get me wrong, she was gorgeous. But I don't remember a single memory with her, I don't remember taking any of these photos. I look through my instagram and almost every second photo was with her. There were no photos with Tayla. I remember clearly all my old posts with Tayla but now they were gone.

I click onto her profile and she was absolutely beautiful, she had long dark brown hair and hazel green eyes. By the looks of it, she was quite a successful musician with a large following. She was gorgeous but I loved Tayla.

"I'm back." Says Tayla walking in as Sienna gives her a sarcastic smile "Whatcha looking at?" She says looking over my shoulder.

"Nothing." I say turning the screen away but she's already seen it. Her smile fades as she gives a look to Sienna. Sienna pretends to not know what she was talking about.

"Bianca." Is all she said, barely a whisper.

"You know her?" I say, curiously.

"Of course." She says, looking down.

- -

first chapter in Marcus' POV, definitely more coming soon. I really enjoy writing in his point of view for a change. How's everyone finding having Tayla back in Marcus' life? How does he not remember Bianca :(

Continue to vote and comment, I really appreciate. Thank you all for being patient with me, I've been super busy but I am still trying to write and read everyone else's story! Just bear with me x

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now