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"Our class of 2017 was not short of talent and intelligence. It is a very promising group and all have the potential to make it big and live their dreams. We have future doctors, lawyers, very talented musicians and engineers. They all have the drive to be able to make it big and make a name of themselves. They all worked hard for 4 years to get here, some getting into it faster than others but all succeeded." The dean spoke to the massive crowd full of my fellow graduates and family and friends. "Congratulations to you all. I will now hand it over to our chief chancellor, Peter Wright, to present our special awards and students that have achieved a high distinction."

"Congratulations to the class of 2017 graduating today. It is such an honour to be here. I will first start off with the selected students that achieved a credit." Says the chief chancellor into the microphone, going through the selected students as the students make their way to the stage accepting their certificates. "I would now like to announce the students who achieved a high distinction throughout the exam period." Just like the credits, he went through each student as the crowd applauded. "And finally, I would like to announce our highest honour student. This student has not only earned the highest mark throughout the exam period, this student has also received much recognition (already) in the music industry with several record labels interested in her. I would like to invite our highest honour student, Bianca Hart, to the lectin." I hear cheers from the crowd as I look back at my family who were now on their feet applauding. I connect eyes with Marcus as he gives me a proud smile. I make my way to the stage receiving my certificate, shaking the chief chancellor and deans hand as they congratulate me. I walk to the lectin pulling out my speech. I was asked to write one but I didn't know what reason for.

"Wow, thank you." I start "I still remember our orientation day. It felt like the first day of highschool all over again and look where we are now. I have met some of the most amazing people here and it is something I will definitely be missing. Firstly, I would like to thank all the teachers, a special mention to my music professor Ms. Wilde who was definitely lenient with me, almost too lenient at times. Thank you for your guidance and continuing to be patient with us all even though you knew that every Monday morning would be hard for you to even pretend we were listening from our big weekends. Secondly, my family. I would not be where I am without you guys. Mum and Dad, thank you for your patience and your continual support. Mum, Thank you for dropping me off to school on those early mornings when I didn't have my own car yet. Daisy, my bestfriend, thank you for understanding and putting up with your moody and tired roomie. I will forever thank you for your support. And lastly, to the best group of people I will ever meet, here's to us. All those late nights working on assignments have finally payed off. All those parties we missed because of other commitments have finally payed off. No more boring 2 hour philosophy lectures, sorry Mr C, and no more assignments. We have worked so hard and now we've done it. Here's to us." I say, as I take my graduation hat off my head and throw it up in the air. My fellow classmates throw their hats up as the sea of blue hats fill the sky. We all cheer in excitement, proud of our achievements.

As the excitement dies down, congratulating each other, we all make our way to our families eager to celebrate with them.

"I'm so proud of you, darling." Says mum, going in for a hug.

"Thanks, mum." I smile.

"Congrats. We've got ourselves a graduate now." Says my dad. I go in to hug him.

"Thanks dad. I'm glad you're here." I smile.

"Ah! Sis, who would've known you had it in you? Ms. Highest honour." She smirks. I laugh as I hug both of my siblings.

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now