fifty seven

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I look at my bump in the mirror. I'd never noticed it. I was so skinny that my bump was tiny for 14 weeks. I could've lost this baby. I wasn't taking care of myself let alone another human in my body. I was shocked and I was in denial. I am forever stuck to Marcus now. How was I meant to tell him? Who am I even going to tell first? I can't keep touring with a baby, it wouldn't be good for me. I just want to go home and cuddle up to my mum for support. How did I get myself in such a situation?

I was now home, I've been in bed since I was discharged from the hospital. Just thinking about everything. Should I tell Daisy first? My bestfriend of ten years that I trusted with everything. Or my sister Kate? The one I'd tell anything to if I hadn't told Daisy yet. I needed to tell my manager Beau before anything because he had my future in his hands.

I force myself out of bed and take a shower. I was seeing Beau after my appointment today because I've finally decided that I have other priorities now even if that meant my dreams would come second to that.

I order an Uber as I wait for it patiently in my front yard as I take a seat on the chair.

"I love you so much already." I say rubbing my tummy "I'm sure your dad will too."

I hear a horn beep at me as I look up at the car that had just pulled up. I make my way down, hopping into the black Subaru.

"Hello." says the middle aged lady with a strong English accent.

"Hello," I smile "Queen Charlottes and Chelseas Hospital please." she nods before turning the radio up, trying to make conversation with me. I politely talk to her but all I wanted to do was sit in silence and do what I do best - think.

"Thank you." I say, hopping out of the car looking down at the seat behind me making sure I haven't left anything. I walk into the very large hospital, taking a deep breath as I make my way to the front desk.

"Hi, my name is Bianca Hart and I have an appointment with Dr. Casey." I say to the lady at the front desk after she got off the phone.

"Ah, yes. She'll be a moment." she smiles. I nod and take a seat in the waiting room with all the other pregnant women with their partners and husbands with them for support. They all looked so happy and complete. Was I going to be a single mum through all of this? Will my kid never have a father figure when they're growing up? I wanted the best for my baby and the thought of being a single mum scared me more than anything. I was almost envious of complete families. I want a love that my mum and dad have. The love for everything they had. It's a shame I couldn't give the same to mine.

"Ms. Hart?" a young brunette with a clipboard calls. I look up before standing up and following her into the assessing room.

"Hello, how are you?" I smile.

"Good. How are you feeling? It says here on your records that you were discharged from the hospital a couple of days ago. What was that for?"

"I'm feeling much better. I actually fainted at one of my concerts walking off stage where they couldn't get me conscious."

"Ah, yes. And that was when you found out about your pregnancy?" she says.

"Yes." I nod nervously.

"So Dr. Stewart has written some notes here about everything. We think that you fainted because of the lack of hydration and nutrients you were putting into your body whilst doing such excessive activities. Having a baby also doesn't help because obviously you require double the energy. Basically, you were very dehydrated and fatigued. You are very lucky to still have your baby, Ms Hart." she frowns. I nod.

"Yeah, the warning signs were there but I just wasn't listening to my body. I was so busy doing my own thing, my health wasn't a priority at the time which is never okay."

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now