
416 10 4

Likes: 1100      Comments:30 @biancahart: can i please stay here forever? 🙈🌴@daisychambers: that view 😍😍 oh the water looks pretty good too i guess@abbgilmore: model material 😍

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Likes: 1100   Comments:30
@biancahart: can i please stay here forever? 🙈🌴
@daisychambers: that view 😍😍 oh the water looks pretty good too i guess
@abbgilmore: model material 😍

We start to make our way back to the beach house after a few hours in the sun.

"How was the water boys?" Asks Abby, as the boys start to unzip their wetsuits.

"It's beautiful out there. You girls should've gone in." Says Josh

"Their too worried about their hair, Joshy." Says JJ.

"You're not wrong there." Smiles Daisy, combing through her hair.

We walk back into the house and decide that we were just going to relax before we were to head out this afternoon to set up for our little tent camp we were going to sleep in for the last night we were spending here.

"How are you and Marcus doing?" Says Daisy, pulling me aside.

"We've talked a few times but nothing more."

"You just look so much happier, B." She says, giving me a smile.

"This trip has definitely made me feel so much better."

"I can tell he makes you very happy." I give her a hesitant smile. It was something I didn't want to admit, but I knew she was right. This boy was everything and more to me.
I put on my trackies and a hoodie aswell as a blanket before heading out of my room, waiting in the living room with everyone who had finished grabbing their stuff, waiting on the people who were clearly taking their time.

"C'mon guys, you're taking your good bloody time!" Marcus yells out, as the rest of us laugh.

"You can't talk Mr. Bontempelli, you were last one out this morning." Says Caleb, walking in with a full bag.

"For the record, I was helping Bianca clean up."

"Hmm." Says Caleb, clearly not taking his excuse.

"Gee Caleb, we're camping out for a night not a whole bloody month!" Says Luke, as he finally walked into the living room, looking down at the bag Caleb was holding.

"This isn't mine, this is Daisy's." says Caleb, sass in his voice, as we all continue to laugh at the banter the boys had been having this whole trip.

We all walk out, some of us carrying tents the others carrying equipment for the bonfire. As the boys set up the bonfire we were to have tonight on the beach, us girls got the job of assembling the tents which was something all of us had never done.

"How does yours look so good, Lara!" I sigh, comparing hers to mine.

"I don't know, B! I've absolutely fluked it." She laughs, as the rest of us try and figure out how to work these tents.

"Need some help, ladies?" Says JJ, the rest of the boys not too far behind him.

"Yes please!" I say, with no hesitation.

"C'mon now B, are you even trying?" Says Marcus, walking over to my tent.

"Don't even get me started!"

"Here, I'll show you how it's done." He says, giving me a smirk.

"All yours!" I say as I step back, watching on as he starts to assemble the tent.

"Voila!" Says Marcus, showing me the final product.

"Impressive, Bontempelli." I smirk, before giving him a thank you.

As the sun starts to go down, we all start to gather in a circle around the bonfire the boys had made. I took my seat next to the boy who I was hoping to sit next to you. I give him a quick smile and he returns it.

"Bianca, since you're our only good singer here around this campfire," Says JJ, emphasising 'good' "It'd only be fair if you sang us a few camp songs." He says pulling out his guitar.

"You play?!" I asked, in shock. He gives me a cheeky smile followed by a nod.

"Alright, alright. Any requests anyone?"

I've just let these little things slip out of my mouth
Because it's you, oh it's you, it's you they add up to
And I'm in love with you (all these little things)
I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth
But if it's true, it's you, it's you they add up to
I'm in love with you, and all your little things

As I sing the last lyric to the song, I can't help but stare at the boy who I had secretly dedicated it to. If I couldn't say it to him, why not sing it?

I get claps and praises for everyone but my eyes are just on one person. I take myself back to reality and give everyone a smile.

The rest of the night rolls on, with everyone taking turns singing their songs. I soon learnt that there were many talented people in this bunch as well as some that weren't. I laugh at Caleb's rendition of My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion, with Marcus and JJ providing the visuals.

"Draw me like on of your french girls, Caleb!" Says Josh, mocking him. We all laugh before everyone settles back down and decide to retire the night.

"Goodnight everyone! Sleep well!" I say, giving everyone a hug.

"Goodnight!" I hear everyone say back, as they too head back to their own tents.

I hop into my warm sleeping bag. As I start to dose off, I hear the zip of my tent open as a tall, masculine figure comes in.

"Bianca, I'm sorry to bother you but uh," Whispers Marcus "I have to sleep in your tent tonight because everyone already has their partners." He says, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.

"No, that's fine." I say, quite surprised. Marcus lays down next to me, feeling his warmth.

"Bianca?" He whispers, before turning his head to me.

"Yes?" I say, turning my whole body around to face his.

"I've really missed you." He whispers into my ear, feeling his warm breath hit my neck.

"I've really missed you too." I say, giving him a smile. He pulls me in and wraps his strong arms around my waist as I can finally, for the first time in a few weeks, feel content because of one boy who I can't resist.

- -

hope you enjoyed this one (:

yay marcus and bianca made up!!!

soo guys it is the holidays and i have a lot more time so I was thinking of updating every second day instead of just tuesday's and friday's. What do you think? comment below telling me what you think and i might consider it hahaha

happy tuesday all !

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