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"It's not what it looks like," says Tayla, pulling away from him as I stand there in shock, feeling my heart in my mouth. The disappointment turns to anger as I feel myself tense up.

"Mate," he says. My best mate and my teammate had just done this to me. Why? The two people I trusted the most have just hurt me in the worst way possible.

"Don't touch me." I say, anger in my voice.

"Marcus." says Tayla, putting a hand on me. I look down at it and pull away as she tries desperately to explain the unexplainable.

"How could you do this to me?" I say, raising my voice as she flinches.

"Mate-" he says, putting his hand out, his head down in shame.

"No, you're not any better." I snap, taking my arm out of his reach.

"Babe, please." Tayla says, putting the waterworks on "Listen to me, it wasn't me. He kissed me."

"Tayla, what the fuck?" he says "I didn't, Marcus." he says turning to me.

"I'm sorry babe." says Tayla, grabbing my arm.

"You're sorry?! Don't tell me you're sorry for kissing my mate! It's no accident Tayla and we both know it."

"Marcus," she cries.

"No, Tayla. We're done." I say, rubbing my forehead before walking away.


"Marcus?" says Jason opening the door, clearly not expecting to see me "You okay?" I just nod as he opens the door wider, letting me in.

"What's going on?" he says, quite worried. I take a seat, and let out a sigh, pausing for a moment trying to digest what had just happened and why everything now made sense. I'm meant to be with Bianca. Tayla cheated on me and now she's done it again. Why had everything just come back to me now?

"Tayla cheated on me," I say, barely a whisper as Jason gives me a sympathetic look "again."

" remember?" he asks, shocked.

"Yeah." I say "Everything's coming back slowly and I just had a flashback of the first time."

"I'm so sorry, bro." he says, patting my back.

"It's fine." I sigh, mad that I'd let this happen to me again.

"How much do you remember?" he asks, carefully. 

"Everything. I've been having flashbacks." I say "Bianca."

"Bianca?" he says shooting up from his seat.

"Yeah," I say "my girlfriend." I let that sink in. I put my hand to my mouth, rubbing it as I rethink of all the memories I had once forgotten. And then it hits me, I hurt her.

"She's-" he starts, I know it's not good news and I start to get worried.

"Has she found someone else?" I say, burrowing my eyebrows.

"No." he says, unable to look me in the eyes.

"What is it, J?" I ask, eagerly.

"I don't know if I'm in the place to tell you that, mate." he looks up at me, apologetically.

"Jason, I don't know what else to do. I'm helpless. I know I stuffed up and I was an absolute jerk to her." I say, putting my head in my hands in shame.

"What happened between you two?"

"The other day, when I came home from the AFLW Launch, she was waiting outside my place for me. She told me everything she felt and all of our memories but I had no idea what she was talking about because I had no memory then. I totally shot her down and I know how much I've hurt her." I sigh "Have you talked to her?"

"Yeah, everyday." Jason says.

"How is she?" I say, looking up.

"Not well," he says as I shake my head in disbelief "I've been the one picking up the pieces, Marcus."

"I-" I say, trying to get the right words out "I'm sorry."

"She's not okay, Marcus." he says.

"I'm a jerk."

"It's not your fault." he says.

"It's not but it is. I just want to see her again. Be with her. I want her back more than anything and mend her hurt. I don't want to lose her, I really don't. She's amazing and deserves everything in this world. I have to fix this." I say, getting up from my seat as Jason puts his arm out, telling me to sit down.

"Jason," I say "I have to go and get her back."

"Marcus, look," he starts and I start to get worried. My body tenses and I start to think of all the scenarios possible, wondering how this day could get any worse. My palms start to sweat as I look at Jason, bracing myself for his answer "she's moving," he says, giving me yet another sympathetic look "to London."

"London?!" I ask, confused, wondering if I'd heard him right.


"What for?"

"She's scored a record deal there."

"Oh." I say, in shock.

"She's bloody good at what she does, Marcus."

"I know that." I say "I have to go and get her before she goes."

"No Marcus." he says, putting his arm out "I'm not letting you take this away from her. She wasn't going to move because of you Marcus. But I urged her to take it. We both know what's best for her."


"No, Marcus. Please let her have this one. She's been there for you, it's your turn now."

- ♡ -

And I'm back! Been back for a couple of days now, just been taking a break and getting back into normal life again. Sorry it's taken me so long to answer all of your comments but I've finally gotten around to it :)

But yeah, anyways he finally remembers! It's all slowly coming back. How do we feel about what Jason was saying? Do you agree or disagree? Should he let her go? It's getting super interesting now, hey.

Happy 5k, came back to a very nice surprise! It's all happening so fast. Thanks for all your support, really appreciate each and every one of you! x

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now