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"You ready, babe?" Says Marcus yelling out to me who had been waiting patiently for me on the couch. I had been in bed doing nothing for a few days since I was sick with the flu.

"Coming, sweet." I say, spraying some perfume on my neck and wrists before heading out to the living room.

"You feeling okay?"

"Yeah." I smile, although I wasn't really but today was going to be my last performance at the Leveson after so many years of doing gigs there. Marcus didn't know this either as I was planning to tell him about London soon.

"You should've gone to the doctors and gotten it checked," He starts "5 days of being sick is not normal, babe."

"I appreciate your concern, my love, I really do but I'm okay." I smile, giving him a peck on the cheek.

"Alright but if it doesn't get any better I'm taking you."

"Fine. You can do that." I laugh. We head out of my apartment making our way down the elevator to the main street. We take the short walk to the pub hand-in-hand feeling the cold winter breeze hitting our face. We walk in to the pub, which was full of atmosphere, as I break away from Marcus to get myself ready to start soon.

"Alright, babe I have to help Matty set up." I say.

"Okay. Kill it, babe." He smiles before giving me a kiss on the forehead. I make my way to the front where Matty had already started setting up.

"Hey, Matty. I've missed you." I say, giving him a big hug.

"You too, B. You don't come down and visit me anymore." He frowns.

"I know," I frown "I've been so busy."

"I've heard." I give him a confused look, wondering how he could've possibly known about London. Matty notices my worried, confused look and reassures me by talking about the award I had received at graduation.

We decide to make a start and sing a few songs that the crowd had requested before we both head off to our first 10 minute break. I look around the crowded rooms, looking around for the pair of brown eyes I was so madly inlove with. I spot Marcus with a group of boys, which I was guessing were his group of mates, and make my way over.

"Hey," I smile, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh, hey babe." He smiles at me "I want you to meet a few people." He says, now turning his body towards the unfamiliar group of boys who had now gathered around him. I look around at all the boys as Marcus introduced them as my heart drops at the last boy I was introduced to. Alex Rance.

"And, that's Alex down there." Says Marcus, pointing to the very familiar face that I had never nor wanted to see again. I give him a nod before quickly looking away. I did not want to look at him one bit. He gives me a bland hello as I excuse myself saying I had to get back because my break had come to an end, when in reality it had really just started. I find myself at the back of the restaurant, going out for fresh air, quite shocked at what had just unfolded. Never would I have thought that I'd ever see that face again, let alone him be one of my boyfriend's best mates. Yes, they were both football players, living their dream playing for different football clubs, but it had never crossed my mind that they could possibly know each other.

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now