sixty two

198 6 2

"How are you feeling, B?" says Conor, massaging my shoulders.

"Nervous, excited, sad but very happy. So a bit of everything at the moment." I smile, nervously.

"You'll kill it." says Conor before exiting my room leaving me to myself.

It was my last show with the boys and I was sad and relieved. Sad to have this experience ending but relieved to be taking the next step into making my way home.

"Come in." I answer to the knock on my door, not looking away from at the reflection of myself in the mirror.

"Hi, B." says Drew, head hung low as I make eye contact with him in the mirror.

"Hey." I say, turning around to face him.

"How are you doing?" he says, his voice barely a whisper.

"I'm well." I say "Drew, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to apologise. I'm sorry for ignoring you. I'm sorry for not talking to you all of a sudden. I'm sorry for blowing you off complete. It was rude of me and I should've been more mature about the situation." he says, looking at down at me, sincerity in his voice.

"Why did you ignore me? What did I do? I was so confused, Drew." I sigh.

"I-" he stutters, searching for the right words "I hated being too close with you because it upset Brad so much. I really like you, Bianca. I still do but it upset him so much - he's my friend too and I had to think about everyone."

"Brad?" I ask, my eyebrows meeting in the middle "Why was Brad getting upset about it?"

"Look, Bianca. He's going to talk to you about it, i'm not in the position to tell you that." Drew says "I came here to tell you about how I felt.. since you know, you're moving back."

"Yeah." I say, staring into space.

"Bianca, I really like you. A lot. I never expected to fall for someone so quick but I did. You're amazing to talk to. I could talk to you all day. Whenever we're together, I always have fun. We could literally be in a room doing nothing but I wouldn't be bored because I would be with you. You're beautiful and I've found someone really amazing-"

"Drew-" I say, cutting him off before getting cut off myself.

"Look, Bianca I'm not asking you to be my girlfriend but I just wanted to let you know how I've been feeling the past couple of moths because you're going away. I know we can't start anything but I just want to let you know that I'll always be here for you as a friend even if that means I have to stop myself and remind myself that that's all we'll ever be."

"Drew, come here." I say, pulling him into a hug "Thank you for telling me that. I love you, bro."

"I love you too." he says into my shoulder, not wanting to let me go.

I was nervous and all I wanted to do was be alone to settle my nerves. I hum to myself, warming up my voice. My family nor my friends didn't know I was leaving, I should've told someone before I made my decision but I know they'd influence it. How was I meant to tell them why I was moving back? I wanted to do it in person, they deserved better than that.

My heart thudded somewhere in between my chest and my mouth. My ears buzzed and my left leg shook. I was more nervous than ever and I honestly couldn't understand why.

"How are you, London?" I shout into my microphone. The cheers and applause is deafening as I wave to the crowd. The applause thundered over me. Pride and sadness gathered in my chest, swelling until it hurt. I take a deep breath as the first song comes on.

"I would like thank every single person in this room. Thank you for coming out tonight and giving me the opportunity to share my music with you. It's always been a dream of mine, thank you for making it come true. I love you all." I smile, waving to the crowd. I admire the crowd one last time, waving to ever corner of the arena before making my way out on the ever so famous left wing.

"Well done, B." says Cassie, giving me a hug.

"Thank you." I smile, feeling deflated. I excuse myself and make my way back into my dressing room not wanting to get emotional.

There was no doubt I'd miss what I had in England. I'd miss all the boys and the place I'd called home for a while - Brighton. But I wasn't regretting my decision. I was ready to go home. I just wanted to be back with my family and friends. I needed their support through all of this.

"B? Left wing 2 minutes." I hear Cassie say, knocking on my door.

"Left wing? I thought I was done for the night." I say, confused.

"Nope, Beau's asked me to tell you." she shrugs.

I nod, still confused as to what I had missed during the team meeting that I didn't know about me going to the left wing. I look out onto the stage and see that both the Tide boys and the Vamps boys were on stage together. I give Cassie a confused look waiting for her to tell me to do something. She gives me a reassuring smile before putting a thumps up to the boys.

"As you guys may know, we've been touring around England with some of the most amazing people." starts James "The Tide and of course Bianca hart."

"We have recently found out that Bianca will be leaving us soon." says Austin "Bianca, thank you for being amazing, thank you for putting up with all of us. We are so glad to have met you. It was such a privilege to work it you." he says, turning to me as the crowd cheers.

"Bianca, wherever you are. This is for you." says Bradley, giving me a small nod.

...Everybody's trying to be a billionaire
But every time I look at you I just don't care
Cause all I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah
Is somebody to you (Yeah you!)
Cause all I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah
Is somebody to you (Yeah you!)
Yeah you!

"Thanks guys, come here." I say, touched by their effort, pulling them all into a group hug "I didn't see that coming. I love you all, thank you for everything. You guys are the best."

- ♡ -

How do you guys feel about Bianca coming home? Drew's finally said something to Bianca, I wonder why Brad will say 🤷🏽‍♀️

Sorry this update took a while, just getting back into the swing of things! Can't wait to share more with you all xx

Btw, happy 10k!! Thank you for your ongoing support even though I haven't been updating a whole lot. Thank you, I really do appreciate it x

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now