fifty four

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"Goooood morning London and thank you for tuning into Capital FM! I'm Nick and today we are here with Bianca Hart!" says the brown-haired radio host adjusting his microphone, playing around with buttons that played music in the background, turning to me.

"Hello, it's so nice to be here." I smile.

"So you're from Australia, Melbourne to be exact. How does it compare to London?"

"London's beautiful but it's so different from the hustle and bustle of Melbourne but it's something new, I'm very grateful to be here. The coffee doesn't quite compare but it's forgivable." I smile.

"Ahh, is that now? That's debatable." he laughs "How did your family feel about the whole move?"

"They were the ones who actually were trying to convince me to go," I laugh.

"Oh, they wanted to get rid of you?" he jokes.

"Yeah, nah. They were very keen on me taking it whilst I was a bit more hesitant but they were all very supportive."

"Your accent is very thick, we Britains love it!"

"Ah, really? I didn't really notice." I laugh "The British accent is amazing actually I talk to my friend sometimes just to hear it."

"That's right, you've been touring around London with The Vamps, how's that been?"

"Yes, its been great! The boys are all amazing. They've definitely helped me settle in."

"I'm sure you spend a big chunk of your time with them, who are you closest to?"

"Ooh, that's a tough one. I'm close with all of them, but I'll have to say James. He's like a big brother to me, he's my go to."

"Now, we want some dirt!" he laughs "who's the messiest?"

"Tristan for sure!" I laugh.

"Who's the cutest?" he smirks. I put my hand up to my chin, pretending to think about it.

"Bradley." I say, curling up in a ball in embarrassment. He laughs as he presses a button that played a cheesy romantic song "Oh stop it, we're just friends." I laugh.

"Oh, well it was worth a try." he laughs "Do you fancy any of them?"

"No comment." I smirk "I'm kidding, I love all the boys just not in that way."

"I see that you have quite a 110k growing following on instagram and twitter. Have you been noticed in the streets at all?"

"Yeah. I've got a growing family, is what I like to call it sometimes, on instagram and twitter and they're absolutely the best supporters. And no, I actually haven't gotten noticed as much as you'd expect in the streets. but it's happened a handful of times."

"Have have you been coping with the hate?"

"I try not to look at it, as much as there is hate I tend to focus more on the positive because that's what it's all about. Wherever you go you're always going to get judged and i've just learnt to accept it and focus on me and my fans." I say proudly.

"Very well said." he nods.

"Thank you."

"Now, we've got this game we play with everyone who comes it's called Fast Questions where we throw questions at you and you have to answer as fast you can." he explains I nod, giving him the all clear that I understood "Ready?"

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now