fourty six

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I put on the bracelet I had gotten from Daisy as well as the necklace I had gotten from my family as I look at myself in the mirror, finding it difficult to believe that the day I was leaving for London was finally here. I take a seat on my bed, taking everything in. I was now leaving all I know for a strange place in order for me to live my dream. I look around my old bedroom where I used to spend half of my time in before I moved out. All the dints, marks and holes on the wall all representing a memory. Looking at my pastel pink wall from when I was going through that pastel stage every teenager went through, successfully convincing my parents to let me paint it myself. It was hard to believe that this day had finally come. I was excited for it but last night really sunk in. I didn't want to leave Marcus, I wanted to stay for him, he made me think about my decision twice everyday but I know that it was my time to do things for myself and be successful. I'd never put myself first and now it was time for me to focus on me.

"You got everything, my love?" says my mum. She was smiling but I knew how hard it was for her for me leaving.

"Um," I say, looking down at my two luggages and carry on bag "I think so." I smile, nervously.

"Good." she smiles "Bryce and Jack are on their way with the van." The family hired a van just so everyone could take me to the airport and say goodbye. It was a nice gesture but I know that that would just make this goodbye harder.

I take a seat on the couch, looking at all the pictures of my siblings and I nailed on the wall. I pick up a picture of my grandma, admiring how beautiful she looked on her wedding day alongside my grandpa.

"This is for you, nan." I say, rubbing my hand over her photo.

Kate walks in, with a box in her hand, her face taken over by a frown.

"Hey, Katie." I smile "Whatcha got there?"

"Come over." she says, waving me over "I've been working on a little something for you, B. Since I found out about London, I've put together this box." she says handing it over to me. I admire the beautifully painted box.

"That's absolutely beautiful." I smile.

"There's only one rule; you're not allowed to open it until you get to London. There's an envelope that says your name on it and I want you to read that one first. Okay?"

"Okay." I smile, pulling her into a hug "Thank you, Katie. I love it."

I hear a knock on the door as mum yells that she's got it. I put the box into one of the suitcases, touched by Katie's effort.

"Hey, guys." I say as Bryce, Jack, JJ and Daisy all walk in together.

"Hey, B." they say in unison. They all give me a tight hug as if they were at a funeral saying goodbye.

"Hey, beautiful." says Jack, giving me a kiss on the cheek as I give him a smile but he gives me a frown in return.

"There's no need to be so sad guys!" I sigh.

"There's every reason to be sad." frowns Jack.

"Okay, lover boy. She'll be back in a few months." smirks Daisy.

"Just friends." I wink.

"With benefits." coughs Jason as I flash him and Daisy a look as they highfive each other.

"You guys ready?" Says Bryce, spinning the car keys in his hands.

"Yep." I sigh.

Everyone hops into the car, Bryce and JJ take the front whilst my parents take the middle seats and Daisy Jack and I take the very back.

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now