twenty five

308 10 27

I look at myself in the mirror as I put on my beloved Western Bulldogs scarf with Marcus and Jason's badges on it. Although Marcus and I weren't on good terms I had wanted to continue supporting him as if it was just every other game. It had been the most anticipated game of the season for both Marcus and I aswell as everyone who ha known about the little confrontation between Marcus and Alex - Richmond v Western Bulldogs.

There has been tension at the whole club among the players aswell as some slurs on social media between the two football clubs.

I make my way out of my apartment with Daisy, arm in arm, as we hop into our Uber.

"You heard anything from Marcus?" Says Daisy, not looking up from her phone.

"Nope." I say. It had only been a few days since the fight, everything was still raw. Marcus hadn't reached out to me and I wasn't expecting it.

"Does he know you're going tonight?"

"Not that I know off." 

We walk into the packed stadium, making our way to our reserved seats.

"Hey, Abby." I smile, giving her a hug.

"Hey, girls." She says, looking up at us, Milla in her hand.

"Hi, Milla." I say, giving her a highfive.

"Hey, Caris." I say, walking over to her.

"Hey, Bianca." She smiles, giving me a hug.

"How are you ladies doing tonight?" Abby smiles.

"Good." I smile. I had told Abby about the little fight between Marcus and Alex and she had been more than supportive, I hadn't told her about Jason and I's little moment though. I wasn't planning on telling anyone and just move on from the whole ordeal.

We take our seats as we hear the Bulldogs song come on, watching the boys come out and run into the banner. I lay eyes on my boyfriend, his long brown locks tied back in a bun as he kicks the footy into the goals. He looked good, as always, determination and anger taking over his face. He looked quite focused. I knew that there'd be tension in this game, especially between Alex and Marcus and I hoped that nothing was going to be taken onto the field.

The rest of the girls cheer on their boyfriends as the siren goes signalling the game was to start soon. All the boys take their position on the field, a scuffle already brewing between all the boys before the first siren as the umpires try and end it. I can see Marcus grabbing Alex's jumper as they exchange a few slurs at each other as Caleb tries to get in between the two. I see Jason end up on the ground, Cotchin on top of him with his jumper in his fist.

I give Daisy an anxious look knowing that this night would be full of threats and punches. She gives me a reassuring look as she squeezes my hand.

The umpires give away a free kick even before the first bounce from Cotchin's punch on Jason which resulted in the Bulldogs first goal. Which results in another scuffles as the boys rub it into each other's faces.

"Gee, they're fired up tonight." Says Caris. I look at Abby and Daisy, they were the only ones that knew and knew exactly why they were 'so fired up tonight'.

I watch the game on at the edge of my seat as the siren goes signalling the end of the second quarter. The score was close at 45-54 our way. There had already been two players reported due to heavy/high contact and I know there was plenty more to come in the second half of the game and I was honestly worried for Marcus. He was being targeted by everyone on the field and being Marcus, he always fought back. He had already been down to the rooms once to clean up a cut eye. He got the all clear to get on the field just in time for the third quarter which I hoped he hadn't.

I walk back to my seat, drinks in hand, as the siren goes signalling the start of the third term. I hand the girls their drinks as I take my seat, preoccupied by the game. As bad as it sounds, my main focus was just on Marcus. I felt giddy every time he had the ball in his hands.

Marcus goes for the mark but was covered by two Richmond defenders, he bends down to pick up the free ball as another defender comes down and cleans him up, no intention for the ball, all eyes on just hurting Marcus. I put my hand over my mouth in shock, almost feeling the pain Marcus was feeling, as I see one of the boys get up but the other stays down. It was Marcus. There was nothing worse than just watching your partner get knock down and not get back up. Bulldog players come down and grab the Richmond defender's jumper, clearly unhappy with his high contact. All the boys go to their team mate immediately sticking up for him as Easton argues to the umpire letting him know that it was deliberate contact. I put a name to the face of the Richmond defender, Alex. I feel anger and disgust take over my body knowing he had done it on purpose. Marcus still wasn't getting up, not even moving as the trainers and doctor approach him on the field.

Daisy grabs my hand as the stretcher car comes as the anger and disgust soon change to worry and concern take over my face. I couldn't see how Marcus was, wether he was conscious or not and it was killing me.

I make my way down to the rooms, bracing myself for the worst. I hadn't heard any news on Marcus' state and I was scared to see how he was. I walk through the doors, showing security my ID. I walk over to the stretcher car which was surrounded by the club doctors and paramedics on site.

"How is he?" I say to the head doctor, Garry Zimmerman, as he gives me a sympathetic look.

"Bianca, there's nothing I can tell you right now. He's still unconscious, they're taking him to the hospitals for checks."

"Oh," I say, my heart drops "Can I at least see him?" He gives me a hesitant nod as I walk over to the stretcher and see Marcus lifeless. I can't help but break down. He had now tubes coming out of him as they were preparing to take him to the hospital.

"I love you." I whisper, squeezing his hand as they take him away, loading him into the ambulance.

I now had the difficult and heartbreaking job of breaking the news to Geraldine and Marcus' family.

- ♡ -

hey all, hope everyone's having a good night! Anyone else watching the boys play right now? Legit just went to a pub so I could watch them 😂 How'd you guys like this one? What do you think will happen to Marcus? Hope he makes a fast recovery :(

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend. Good luck to our boys x

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now