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Likes 5600   Comments 5 @biancahart: it's nice to have you back😘 @daisychambers: missed ya my love @calebdaniel1: not as much as me :)@biancahart: not a chance!

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Likes 5600 Comments 5
@biancahart: it's nice to have you back😘
@daisychambers: missed ya my love
@calebdaniel1: not as much as me :)
@biancahart: not a chance!

"It's nice to have you back, Dais!" I smile, giving her a massive hug.

"I missed you so much!" She says hugging me back.

"How was it?" I say.

"It was amazing!" She beams "What'd I miss?"

"A loootttt" Says Caleb walking in with the rest of her bags.

"Not much." I say "I'm just glad you're here." I say squeezing her arm.

The apartment has been so quiet without Daisy. I had no one to really talk to, especially when I needed someone. It's nice to have her back.

"Me too, B." She smiles, giving me another hug.

"Gee babe, you didn't have me hug merely as much as that when I picked you up." Says Caleb, frowning.

"Come here, you big baby." Says Daisy, giving Caleb a kiss on the cheek.

"Much better." He smiles.

"Ew! PDA!" Says Jason, walking in.

"Oh hey, JJ." I say, giving him a hug "What're you doing here?"

"I'm here for Caleb. We have training." He say.

"Aw. Thought you wanted to see me." I pout.

"That's a bonus." He smiles "Oh, hey Dais. How was wherever you went?"

"It was great." She laughs.

"Alright, Caleb let's go! We're going to be late."

"Coming." He says, grabbing his bag "Bye babe, text me. Bye B, see you soon." He says giving Daisy a kiss before giving me a hug.

"Bye guys, see you soon." I say giving the boys a hug.

"Alright, Dais I'm going shopping for my grad dress. You up for it?"

"Always." She smiles.

I take a quick shower and dry my hair. I pop on a denim skirt along with a grey top before we head out to the shops.

I go inside the changerooms with about 4 potential dresses in my hand. I try the first one on, it was baby pink with lace details. As I examine myself in the mirror the dress wasn't my type. I pull the curtain that was separating me and Daisy and then step outside and show her. A confused look sat on her face.

"Mhmm. It's nice, but not for grad." She says.

"Agreed." I say before closing the curtain again and trying on a few more dresses. I didn't really like any of them. They were either too big or just not right.

"Why don't you try this one, B?" Says Daisy, handing over a beautiful rose gold dress over to me.

"It's beautiful." I say, hopeful this was the one. I open the curtain as Daisy jaw drops.

"I. Love. It." Says Daisy. I laugh at her reaction looking at myself in the mirror.

"You look amazing, bub." She smiles.

"Thanks, Dais."

"I'm so proud of you." I give her a hug.

She didn't know about London just yet and I didn't know how to tell her. She was one of the people I was dreading to tell but I knew I had to tell her soon.

"Dais," I say "I have something to tell you."

"What's up?" She says, giving me a confused look.

"I might be moving." I whisper.

"Moving? where?"

"Something came up and after graduation I will most likely be moving to London." Her jaw drops "I'm sorry." I frown.

"London?" She says, shocked.

"Yeah." I say, barely a whisper.

"Why London?" She says, dumbfounded.

"A recording company wants to sign me to their label."

"Oh." She says "Congratulations." She looks up at me giving me a fake smile.

"Look, it's hard for me to and I don't want to leave. I really don't." I say, feeling a tear come down my cheek.

"I don't want you to leave." She says, breaking down "What about Marcus? Your family?"

"I don't know. I really don't." I say, shaking my head.

"I'm going to miss you so much." She says burying her face in my shoulder.

"Me too, Daisy." I cry "I don't want to leave."

"You have to take it, Bianca!" She urges.

"I'm just in such a good spot in my life and I don't want it all to end."

"This is an amazing opportunity that only comes once. Don't tell me you're thinking of turning it down." She frowns.

"I don't know." I say, honestly.

"I'm not letting you do that," She says "I'll drag you to the plane if I have to." I laugh.

"Does Marcus know?" She says, looking into space.

"No." I say, the possibility of losing him starts to come back.

"He's going to be devastated." She whispers.

"I know." I cry. She pulls me into a tight hug and rubs my back.

I know I updated yesterday but we just hit 1k! Thank you guys so so much for reading/voting and commenting. xx

btw you'll see her dress soon, it's coming ;)

hope everyone has an amazing day!

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