twenty three

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I refused to sign the papers. Although my whole family was urging me to. I didn't want to sign the contract and lose everything I had built here in Melbourne. Although things weren't going well with Marcus right now, I wasn't going to give up on him and everything we had. He was worth fighting for. I had been putting it off for the longest time, knowing I had to do it soon enough.

"Bianca, we can't keep making them wait," Says Jay, giving me a disappointed look "You know how hard it is to even come close to getting an opportunity like this, they don't take things like this lightly." I let out a sigh.

"It's not easy." I say, blandly.

"I know it's not, Bianca." She frowns, rubbing my arm "But they're only giving you a week until they pass it off to someone else."

The realisation hits me. Once I sign these papers, I would be off with the span of just weeks. I hadn't even talked to Marcus about it yet and I know that I couldn't. He didn't want to see my face let alone want this sprung on him. I tell Jay that I would take the last week to think about it promising I would come to a decision. I say goodbye to her once again as she tells me to think about the opportunity infront me. I head back to my empty apartment. Daisy has decided to give me some space, although sometimes it worked out better that way, I also wish I had someone there to lean on.

I sit myself on my couch after staring into space and thinking about how my once perfect life - having the perfect boyfriend, an amazing Uni life and somewhat successful musical career developing, had now turned into a complete utter disaster.

"B?" I hear someone knock on my door, not sure how long for "Open up."

I walk over to my door, forcing myself to get up and open the door.

"Hey, J." I say, bluntly.

"What took you so long?" He says, concern taking over his face.

"Sorry, didn't hear you."

"That's okay." He says, his eyebrows furrowing in concern before taking a good look at me and pointing out I didn't look good "How have you been, B? You haven't been texting me. I've been worried, thats why I came."

"I'm sorry, JJ. Just been busy and preoccupied."

"You don't look good. Please tell me you're taking care of yourself."

"My wellbeing has been the least of my worries, Jason." I say, looking up at him.

"B," He frowns "I know you've got lots going on at the moment, Bianca, but c'mon you can't keep doing this to yourself."

"Jason, I don't know what to do." I say, trying to hold in my emotions "I have to make my decision about London in a week." I blurt out. I wasn't planning on telling anyone let alone telling Jason.

"Oh," He says, barely a whisper "Do you know what you're going to do?"

"I have to take it, Jason." I say, basically convincing myself. It hurt me to even just say it.

"Of course." He says, looking down.

"I'm sorry." I say, a tear coming down my cheek.

"Don't be sorry, Bianca." He says, pulling me into a hug "You have to take it. I am not letting you turn this down."

"I don't want to take it." I cry.

"B, look at me," He says, putting his finger on my chin, wiping my tears away "You've worked harder than anyone I know for what you want. You're strong and you're determined. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I am not letting you turn this down, B. I will drag you on the plane if I have to." He says, chuckling at the last part of his pep talk causing me to push out a smile. "Much better." He smiles down at me. I look into his dark brown eyes, then down to his perfect white teeth as he leans in closer. I feel myself coming closer, as I hesitate and pull out knowing that it wasn't the right thing to do.

"I'm sorry." I whisper, releasing myself from his grip.

"No, I'm sorry." He says looking down "I better go." He says, hesitating to give me a hug but he does followed by a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye, J." I say.

"Take care of yourself." He says, before looking at me one last time, closing the door behind him.

I think about the awkward moment we had just shared. Jason and I's friendship was one of the only things that was still intact in my life and was something I cherished and I didn't want to ruin it.

I'm sorry, Bianca. I didn't mean it, I got too ahead of myself. Please forgive me.

I look down at my phone, staring at the message I had just received from Jason thinking how I was going to handle this situation.

- -

hey guys, a short one but hoped you all liked x not a big fan of this one, just a filler. Bianca's going through all sorts at the moment :( What do you think will happen with Jason and Bianca's friendship? Hopefully they can work it out.

butttt on another note, thank you all so so much for 2k reads!! who would've known?! I'm so thankful for everyone that's been reading, commenting and just supporting. Thank you all so so so much. Thanks coming very soon [tomorrow]!! Hope everyone's having a great day! xxxxx

Continue to like and comment, i love hearing what you all think. <333

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now