sixty six

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"How have you been?" says Caleb as we get into the car, clearly trying to create small talk.

"I've been well," I say "I'm really glad to be home."

"Yeah, we've all missed you." he says "All the boys and I have an inside joke that whenever we see you on our feeds, we all say how you've forgotten us."

"Really?" I chuckle "It did not feel like that way at all. I felt like just every other student overseas."

"Well, not really when your song is being played on the radio every hour."

"I guess then." I laugh.

"Jason will be thrilled when he finds out that you're home," says Caleb "he won't shut up about you!"

"Caleb?" I ask, turning to him "do you mind not telling the boys for a little while that I'm back?"

"Yeah, of course. Daisy already told me not to." he shrugs.

"Thanks." I smile.

I knew that my decision to come was rushed and sudden. No one would've expected it which meant I'd have to answer questions I really didn't want to. Not until I had talked to the most important in the loop first. I was nervous telling my mum, she was my bestfriend and her opinion meant the most to me. She's supported me through the thick and thin and I expect nothing but that.

"Thanks, Caleb." I smile, unbuckling my seatbealt "Have fun at training."

"I will." he smiles "You sorted to get home? I can pick you up after training if you want."

"Yeah, I should be good. I've got my car here so." I say.

"Alright. Tell Ms. Hart I say 'hi' and apologies that I couldn't pop in." smiles Caleb. Can this boy be any more polite?

"I sure will." I chuckle, hopping out of the car giving him one last wave as he pulled out of driveway.

I walk up to the familiar red door, nervously rubbing my palms together. I take deep breaths, telling myself that everything would be alright. I knock on the door, holding my knuckles. I hear footsteps come closer to the door as I feel a wave of relief come over me when I see my mum's face. I pull her into a hug and can't help but cry into her shoulder.

"Bianca, darling!" my mum says excitedly "What're you doing here? We weren't expecting you!"

"Mum, I'm sorry." I sob.

"What's wrong, darling? Don't be sorry. I just wasn't expecting you." she smiles, giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"I just really missed you." I smile, as I wiped my tears away. She invites me in as the familiar aroma of my mums cooking that always filled each room of the house, hit me. I'd miss my life at home so much and I couldn't stop the tears from flowing down my cheek.

"I thought you were coming home in 3 months. We've only just started your preparation for that. We've all been counting down, you see?" she says pointing at the calendar that had the date of my return marked.

"Aw, you guys." I smile, pulling my mum into a hug again.

"Now, sit down. You'll have to tell me all about it." she smiles, taking a seat onto the couch.

I proceed to tell her about everything, from the new friends I've made to the struggles of living on my own in a foreign country. I tell her everything but can't seem to find the guts to tell her about why I was really here.

"We heard your song on the radio for the first time couple of weeks ago and I cried. I'm so proud of you, Darling." she smiles, rubbing my arm.

"Did you, mum? I'm glad, that's why I was there, for you guys."

"We've all missed you so much. We always talked about what you'd be doing."

"Well, nothing too exciting." I grin.

"Daisy and Caleb were always here, I felt like I'd gained an extra son and daughter." Mum chuckles.

"Were they? Daisy would always facetime me."

"Yeah." she laughs, she looked so happy to see me "Now, why are you here? Why the sudden return?"

She knew something was up. I could tell by the concern on her face and I know that her concern would soon probably turn into disappointment.

"Something came up," I say, finding the best way to tell her "At one of our shows, I fainted and they took me to the hospital and as a precautionary they did some tests and found that"

"What is it, darling?" she says, concern taken over her face.

"They found that.." I say, feeling a tear come down my face "I'm sorry." I say, pulling out the ultrasound photos.

"I'm pregnant." I say, my head hung low. She stays quiet, staring down at the picture as I wait for her to say something "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, my love." she says, holding my hand.

"I know that I ruined such a good opportunity by this. I'm sorry for letting you down." I cry.

"Everything happens for a reason. I'm not disappointed, okay? It's very unexpected but B, I'll be here for you no matter what. We all will be." she says "How far along are you?"

"14 weeks." I say.

"Who else knows?"

"Daisy. She was the one who picked me up from the airport. I didn't want to burden you."

"Burden me?! I'm going to be a Grandma!" she says, excitedly.

"I know." I smile, as I wipe my tears away.

"Who's is it?" she asks, a little more seriously.


Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now