seventy four

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"How are you, B?" Marcus smiles, taking a seat next to me on the couch.

"I'm good." I say.

"And how's the little one?" Marcus whispers, cautious of other people in the kitchen, such as Caleb and Luke, who still had no idea about my little secret.

"Yeah, good." I chuckle "You can rub my stomach if you want, might just look a little suss."

"Stuff it." Marcus laughs, rubbing my stomach.

"I bought some clothes yesterday. If you don't mind."

"No, of course not. As long as you take me next time." He smiles.

"I will." I look down at Marcus hand on top of my stomach that was still barely showing.

"You'll have to show me later."

"Gladly." I smile.

"Bont, c'mon JJ's here for our ride." Luke yells, as Marcus takes his hand off my belly, scaring the crap the crap out of him.

"Coming." Marcus yells as I chuckle at his reaction "See ya, B. Take it easy, okay?" He smiles down at me, giving me a kiss on the forehead before rubbing my stomach one last time "Be good to mum, okay? Love you already, my little one."

"Bye, Marcus. Have fun." I smile.

I smile to myself on the couch as Marcus leaves the room, leading Daisy to give me weird looks.

"What's up with you, Hart?" Daisy smirks "Why you so happy for?"

"Nothin." I smirk back.

"How's the baby daddy?" She jokes.

"Stop calling him that, Daisy! You make him sound like a creep." I laugh "Nah, he's well. Things are going back to normal-ish."

"Good." Daisy says "About time."

"How's the weeding planning going?" I ask Daisy.

"Yeah, not bad. Haven't done too much to be honest." Daisy shrugs.

"And why's that?" I ask, eyebrows meeting in the middle.

"Look," she sighs "I didn't think I'd feel this way but I do." She cries.

"Aw, Daisy." I sigh, running to her and giving her a hug "I didn't know you felt this way."

"I didn't either, B." Daisy cries into my shoulder "I love Caleb, I do. He's amazing. But I'm getting cold feet and I feel absolutely terrible."

"Daisy, you can't blame how you feel. Just think it through and give yourself some time or space if that helps. Don't feel pressured to do anything, babe."

"I don't want to tell him."

"Just think about it first. Let things roll and if things don't change, you'll have to tell him I'm afraid. We don't want anyone getting hurt." I frown.

"Thanks, B." She looks up at me "I really appreciate it."

"Of course." I say pulling her into another hug.

"You sounds so British it's crazy." She laughs as she wipes her tears.

"Do I? I never noticed." I giggle.

Likes 67834    Comments 44@biancahart: Clearly missing me? @bradleywillsimpson Can't wait to see you again, FaceTime will have to do for now x @daisychambers: 😏@vampettes: Aw cute! Are they dating?! @bradleywillsimpson: Hope you caught that kiss!

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Likes 67834 Comments 44
@biancahart: Clearly missing me? @bradleywillsimpson Can't wait to see you again, FaceTime will have to do for now x
@daisychambers: 😏
@vampettes: Aw cute! Are they dating?!
@bradleywillsimpson: Hope you caught that kiss!

"So, how has everyone been?" I ask, unable to wipe the cheesy smile off my face.

"We've been well. Still touring. Busy as hell, but we're all missing you." Bradley says.

"Of course." I smile.

"Especially James. He's such a sook, he misses having someone who actually understands him without calling him bossy." Brad shrugs.

"I do miss James." I smile.

"I see your accent's starting to disappear already." Bradley adds.

"Has it? Yeah my Aussie accent never takes too long to kick in." I chuckle.

"I like it." Bradley winks.

"You did not just wink at me, Bradley William."

"Oh I did, Bianca Rose." Bradley smiles, flashing me his cheekiest smile.

"Bradley William Simpson, you have my heart." I laugh.

"I'm glad I do, my love." Bradley smiles, blowing me a kiss.

"Oh, how much I miss you." I frown.

"Me too, babe, me too." Bradley frowns "But cheer up, dear I'll be in Australia in no time."

"I know, but it's just-" I hesitate. I couldn't tell Bradley my secret, not now. There's no doubt that I really liked this boy, but I also have Marcus and my little one to think about.

"What is it, love?" Bradley asks, worry taking over his face.

"I'm just-" I hesitate "I'm really missing you." I say.

"I'm sorry." Bradley frowns.

"No, don't be sorry. Please don't say that." I say, forcing myself to keep the tears in.

"I hate the situation we're in, Bianca but we both have priorities. But please don't ever forget that I'm always thinking of you. I'm always missing you." Bradley smiles "Loving you."

And in that moment, I don't think I'd ever felt my heart break since that moment I lost Marcus. Nothing hurts more than not being able to say I love you back to the person that you love. But I couldn't. I couldn't lead him on like this. Not when I had a baby. Don't get me wrong, I love him too. I really do. But I simply couldn't do it to Marcus. My baby deserves to have a complete family.

"Hey," Daisy frowns, hearing my sobs "what's wrong, B?"

"I just-" I sob "I feel terrible for not telling him."

"Telling who?"

"Bradley." I sigh "I like him, I really do. But I couldn't do it, Dais."

"Aw, babe." Daisy pulls me into a hug "it's okay. But you really do need to figure it out with Marcus and everything you know."

"I know." I sigh "and that's that the last thing I want to do right now."

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now