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"I'm sorry I can't be there, Bryce." I frown, watching my brother's expression changing.

"I know. It's okay, I understand." he lets out a smile.

"If I could, I'd be there in a heartbeat. I know you'll kill it." I smile.

"I know," he smiles "how's London?"

"Amazing but I miss you all." I frown.

"One word, B and I'm there."

"I'll be okay. I know I'll be seeing you soon enough. Stay put." I smile. It was true, even though he was here I'd still be going through it "Plus, you've got your debut to worry about."

"I know, I know." he chuckles.

"I'm very proud of you, Bryce."

"Thank you." he smiles "Same goes."

"Aw, you're so soppy today." I laugh.

"Don't take it for granted, B." he winks.

"Oh, I won't." I chuckle "I'm off, Bryce. Breaks over. Keep me updated with the debut okay? I'll be watching your game at one of the pubs. I'm there by spirit."

"Alright, I'll be texting. I love you, B. Yell out whenever."

"I love you too, bye." I smile, blowing a kiss at the camera before hanging up.

I couldn't tell him. It didn't feel right and I didn't want to take away from his AFL debut. This was his dream, I was living mine and it was his time to shine.

Likes  4562    Comments 56@bryce_hart: late night phone calls with chook 💞 missing you little one! @biancahart: missing you more, BB :)@daisychambers: this is too cute!

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Likes 4562 Comments 56
@bryce_hart: late night phone calls with chook 💞 missing you little one!
@biancahart: missing you more, BB :)
@daisychambers: this is too cute!

"Am I up?" I ask, running into Cassie.

"Not yet, The Tide boys are still rehearsing their part. You're on soon though, be ready for the call." she says as I nod and make my way into the boy's dressing room.

"Hey, Tris." I say walking in, taking a seat on the couch.

"Hey, B." he smiles.

"Where's everyone?"

"I'm here." yells out Conor who was in the toilet.

"Hey, Con." I yell out.

"You're in a good mood today." Tris points out.

"Eh, not really. Just having better days." I chuckle.

"Nice to hear."

"B, you're up." says Austin, walking into the room followed by the rest of the boys.

"Thanks, Austin." I say getting up before waving to all the boys.

"Hey, Drew." I smile but get ignored "Alright then." I sigh, not wanting to deal any drama right now.

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now