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I'm woken up to the sound of banging on my door. I check the time and it was only 7:30 in the morning. Who could possibly be coming to see me at this time? I throw myself out of bed and pop on a hoodie that was lying around. I tie my messy morning hair in a ponytail before I hesitantly open my door, wondering who it could possibly be. I am greeted by the not so tall blonde who was Caleb.

"Caleb?" I rub my eyes, quite confused as to why he was here "Daisy isn't here, she's at a camp for school."

"I'm not here for Daisy." He says. I give him a confused look as he motions for me to let him in. I open the door wider letting him in as we take a seat on the dining table.

"Is everything okay?" I say "What could you possibly be doing here so early?"

"Look, Marcus was on the phone to me last night and he wasn't in a good place," Even just hearing his name made my heart drop "And he asked me to, you know, check on you because he was worried about you last night, B."

"He asked you to come here?" I ask, quite unsure what to say really.

"Yeah. He was going to come over himself but thought that it was probably not a good idea." Says Caleb.

"Oh." I didn't know how I really felt let alone know what to say.

"I'm sorry for coming in so early but he made sure I had something to tell him at training today." Says Caleb apolegetically. It explained why he was in his full uniform.

"You got anything for me to pass on?" He says, hopeful.

I take a long pause before finally saying, "I, myself haven't even digested everything that's happened. I'm just really confused at the moment and I think that I just need some space to think and all." I sigh. I feel a tear come down my cheek and can't help but feel frustrated and mad at myself. I'd already cried enough tears for this boy.

"Ah, I'm such a sook." I say, laughing it off whilst wiping my tears away.

"Aw, Bianca. Come here" Says Caleb pulling me into a hug. "Look, I know that things aren't the best right now but just trust your gut. Marcus is a great guy and there's no doubt that he has genuine feelings for you. Don't listen to the media, it's their job to stir things in order to get more articles out of you. Now, where's that smile I like to see?"

"Thanks, Caleb." I smile, pulling away from his grip.

"That's okay, B." He smiles "I better head off or else I'll cop a roasting from Bevo. I'll talk to you soon okay? Take it easy." I nod and give him a hug.

"Cheer up buttercup." He says, before closing the door behind him.

I decide to not attend my lectures today since I didn't have to hand in anything and knew I wasn't missing out on much since graduation was in the coming weeks and that they were all just reflecting back in the year. I know that dwelling on my feelings wouldn't make me feel better but it was my way of dealing with my feelings. I just wanted to be alone and think about everything. I knew that things were going to be drastically changing soon and it was hard to wrap my head around it. I watch movies the whole day to distract myself from everything. I didn't want to put it off forever but I hated thinking about him, although he was the only thing that was really on my mind.

My thoughts are interrupted by a knock on my door. Gee, I always seemed to get visitors whenever I wanted time for myself. I sigh before getting up from the couch and making my way to the door. I knew I looked like an absolute mess but at this point, it was the least of my worries.

I open the door to Jason and sigh.

"Gee, nice to see you too." Says Jason, walking in.

"Did he send you here too?" I frown.

"Wait. B, what's wrong? Have you been crying?" He says, walking over to me, concerned "And who's 'he'?"

I take a deep breath knowing that if I spoke I would absolutely break down again and I was honestly just tired. I try to get my words out but nothing comes out. I lean into Jason's chest, crying as he strokes my hair continually asking me what's wrong.

"Jason?" I look up "Why are you here?"

"I just wanted to see you, Bianca." He frowns "What's wrong?"

I sigh once again, unable to get my words out.

"I bought you some Nando's because I knew it was your favourite so we could catch up since I hadn't seen you in a while. I didn't know you were in such a state." He says, looking at me with concern "Is it Marcus?" I nod.

"That explains why he was a bit gloomy today."

"Who is Tayla Harris?" I blurt out. I didn't mean to but it had been on my mind all day and I just wanted to know.

"Tayla?" He says, quite shocked.

"Yeah." I say as I look up at him "Please be honest with me."

Jason sits me down on the couch as he tells me Tayla and Marcus' story. I learn that they originally met at the Brownlow last year and their relationship had happened quite quickly.

"I didn't like her to be honest with you. It was always just about Marcus and no one else around him." He says.

"How did they break up?" I say, not sure if I was sure if I really wanted to know.

"Look, B. It's not my position to say that." He says, "You're going to have to ask Marcus."

"He probably doesn't want to talk to me."

"He misses you." I look into his eyes as he gives me a reassuring look.

"I'm not quite sure if it's a good time."

"He's not going to stop until he can talk to you, you know that right?" I sigh.

"You seem to be sighing a lot today, Bianca." He laughs.

"Just a tiring day." I laugh

"Doing jackshit?" He laughs

"C'mon now, its very tiring watching movies."

"Sure." He smirks. "You know you can't put it off forever, right?"

"Yeah. But it's been a day, give me a break."

"A day too long!"

"And plus, I've got graduation to focus on. Can you believe I'm graduating in a few weeks!" I say, excitedly.

"I'm very proud of you, B!" He smiles. "But I'd be more prouder if you worked out this whole thing."

"Mhmm." I say "We'll see."

"I'm calling him right now." He teases me, getting his phone out of his pocket.

"JASON! NO!" I say, desperate to grab his phone off him.

"If you two can't do it civilly, then uncle Jasey will have to take action." I laugh, still hanging onto his arm desperately grabbing for his phone.

"Fine. I'll come and see him tomorrow." I sigh.

"Well that was easy." He laughs, putting his phone back into his pocket. I punch his arm as I continue to eat my Nando's.

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i don't really like this one but this was kinda just a filler so hahah yeah enjoy:)

thank you guys for all your support on this book, nearly at 1k reads, very overwhelmed xx thank you all ❤

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