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"I acknowledge my actions were nothing but cowardly. Violence should not be promoted and should be stamped out of our game. My actions were out of line, wrong and does not represent me as a person and the Richmond Football Club. I did not go onto that field with the intent to hurt Marcus or anyone. It was simply just an issue that was taken onto the field when it shouldn't have been. My actions were not a good example to the community and aspiring footballers. It is not okay. I wholeheartedly apologise to Marcus Bontempelli, his family and friends for the trauma I have caused. I acknowledge the stress and the damage this has caused Marcus' family and I wish nothing but the best for Marcus. I accept my 10 week suspension. It will give me time to think about my actions. I have agreed to attend anger management classes in order for me to control my anger in future circumstances. I apologise to AFL Committee for my poor behaviour. Thank you." I watch on in anger as Alex spoke to the media where channel 7 had crossed live to his tribunal hearing.

Everyone had gathered in Marcus' room because today was the day Alex was handed down his suspension. Everyone was a nervous wreck and this was just another hurdle to jump over, but everyone was supporting each other. I hold Geraldine's hand and Marcus' hand in the other as I watch my coward, emotionless ex boyfriend recite his written speech that his management probably wrote for him. I could not tell you my emotions if I tried, I hated Alex's guts. It was okay for him to hurt me but not the ones I loved. Full stop. He breached the line this time and I was furious.

"10 weeks?! You're kidding me!" Jason slams to the T.V anger taking over his face as Sienna tries to calm him down by putting a hand on his shoulder.

"At least he's out for the rest of the season." Says Daisy.

"He should've gotten a whole season! Look at what he did, he nearly killed someone!" Spits Josh, pointing at Marcus. Caris steps in, telling her boyfriend to calm down. I squeeze Geraldine's arm as I give her my best smile. This whole incident had taken a toll on the whole Bontempelli clan. Geraldine had barely been at home, if I wasn't alone with Marcus it would be Geraldine. Alana hasn't even been able to see her brother much because of finals, I couldn't imagine completing my finals with all this chaos in my life. Sienna and Liv have barely attended school and the bright smile of Carlo's had disappeared. Geraldine's eyes were filled of dejection and fatigue. When she smiled, her whole face would smile except for her eyes. They told a completely different story. We were each other's support, we were both experiencing similar situations and related to our circumstance.

"It's okay, love. He's a strong one, he'll be up soon." She whispers in my ear, giving me a reassuring smile.

"I know." I say, looking down at my boyfriend "I know."

Likes: 10, 897       Comments: 60@biancahart: Thank you for everyone's sweet messages, they definitely have not gone unnoticed

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Likes: 10, 897 Comments: 60
@biancahart: Thank you for everyone's sweet messages, they definitely have not gone unnoticed. Thank you for everyone's ongoing support.
@jasonjohanissen: ❤🙏🏻
@abbgilmore: always here for you darl x
@luke_dahlhaus: stay strong b x
@katiehart: we all love you 💖
@daisychambers: Xx

"Bianca." I feel someone shake my shoulder as I had once again dosed off. I had been sick for a few a weeks now, unbearable migraines aswell as not being able to hold anything I put into my body in, I was fastly losing weight. I'm the lightest I have ever been. My wellbeing was the least of my worries in the chaotic mess of which was called my life "We're off, B." Says Daisy hovering over me.

"See you guys, thanks for coming today." I say, bringing myself back to reality. Caleb, Josh, Caris and Daisy all give me sympathetic smiles and a hug before saying their goodbyes to Marcus. As everyone starting heading out one by one, I soon found myself alone, which was usually the result after a long day. I was used to it. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket as I take my time to scroll through all my notifications and text messages.

On my way, B. See you soon? x

I send a quick reply to Jason with a simple okay. I had often felt lonely being by myself but it was also when I talked to Marcus and often found myself singing to him.

wise men say,
only fools rush in
oh for I,
can't help falling inlove with you...

"I miss you so much, I really do. I want to see that smile that always gave me those butterflies. I want to be able to squeeze your hand and you squeeze mine back. I miss your cuddles and your lame jokes. I miss the way you'd kiss me in the most unexpected times. I miss the way I could just stare at you and you'd give me the cheekiest smile back." I snuggle myself into his chest and take his cold hands and lacing our fingers together, squeezing his hand, hoping he'd squeeze mine back. I let my tears slide down my cheek, wiping away the tears that landed on his hand. "I love you so much." I cry, looking up at him, resting my chin on his arm.

I let out a big sigh, as I start to get up to grab my laptop whilst I waited for Jason's company. I gently take my hand out of Marcus. My body tenses and my eyes widen as I feel Marcus' hand slightly tug on mine.

"M-marcus?" I look down at him in shock, as he lets out a muffled sound "Marcus?! Can you hear me?" I yell out, excitement in my voice, waiting for a response "Babe?" I look down, hopeful. I sit up in my seat, waiting for any signs at all of life. I call out to the doctor as I hear nurses rush into Marcus' room.

I take the seat next to him again, intertwining our fingers together.

"Babe? squeeze my hand if you can here me." I say, anticipated for any movement from Marcus. I feel another light tug on my fingers as I look up at the nurses who's eyes widened.

I see Marcus' eyes start to flutter as a beaming smile takes over my face and my eyes fill with excitement as I feel tears once again come down my face. This time, happy tears. Marcus' mouth starts to open, everyone stands around him waiting for what possibly come out of his mouth.

"Tayla?" and my heart drops.

- ♡ -

What a chapter! My heart dropped too Bianca :( Can't believe we're already up to chapter 30 amazing! Thank you all for your support, I wouldn't be updating if it wasn't for you guys. You make writing just that little more fun! What do we all think about Marcus finally waking up.. but that ending! Ah!

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now