sixty three

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"This is stunning." I say, looking up at the lanterns and lights that decorated Jame's backyard.

"Right? Ebony over here did a great job." says James, putting his arm over Ebony.

"Thanks Eb." I smile "Thank you to everyone here for this. You didnt have to."

I go to greet everyone that was sitting and socialising around the table. Seeing all the familiar faces I called my friends.

"Hey, boys." I smile, going to give them all a hug.

"Hey, B." they all smile in unison.

"You look gorgeous." whispers Drew into my ear as I pull away from the hug.

"Thanks, Drew."

"Of course, babe." Drew and I were finally on good terms but I still wasn't fully comfortable around him. He liked me and I just didn't feel the same way. He didn't know about my situation and I know that if he did, his feelings would quickly change.

"Hey, Sophie." I smile, giving James' little sister a hug.

"Hey, B." she smiles "I was really sad when James told me you were leaving us."

"I know, Soph." I frown "It's hard for me too. I'll be back in no time, Okay?"

"Promise?" she says, tugging on my hand.

"I promise, kiddo." I smile bending down on my knees, pulling her into a hug.

"What's going on here?" says James "What's wrong Soph?"

"I don't want Bianca to go." she cries.

"Oh, come here." says James, picking her up and wiping away her tears "Bianca went on a little holiday and now it's time for her to go home, Soph. But she will be back soon."

"I know." she says "She promised."

"You did?" James turns to me.

"I did." I nod. I smile up at the both of them, embracing each other into a hug. These were the moments I was going to miss.

I continue to enjoy my friends' company, grateful to have met the people I have. Each of them has made a little dent in my heart, there'll be there forever. All hold a special place in my heart and I know that one day, we'll be reunited in no time.

"B," I hear someone whisper "can I talk to you?"

I turn around and see a familiar face that I was wanting to see "Yeah of course."

"Not here, maybe in the garage." Bradley says.

"Alright." I smile, grabbing his hand as he leads the way to the garage.

The garage was once again decorated beautifully, although no one had been hanging out in there. There were fairy lights hanging down from the ceiling and candles lit all around the room. There was a stool that had a white rose on it, with another stool and guitar placed next to it.

Bradley motions for me to sit down on the chair, handing me the white rose as he too, takes a seat grabbing the guitar. I turn to him as he gives me a small, shy smile strumming the guitar.


"That was beautiful." I smile.

"Look, Bianca I wanted to get you here because.." he starts "I wanted to say sorry."

I nod as he tries to get his words out, "I'm sorry for ignoring you. I'm sorry for having such a short temper and walking out. I'm sorry for always making you feel like shit when I'm the one who was meant to be welcoming you. I'm sorry for not telling you earlier."

"Telling me what?" I say, barely a whisper, surprised by his confession.

"Bianca, when I first saw you I knew that I'd be in trouble. I knew that I'd fall for you and I did. You were beautiful and when you spoke, everything that came out was thought through. It shouldn't have been handled this way because if I wasn't such a dick, I could've probably gotten to know you more and actually talked to you and got to know you better. But, I just couldn't help myself. I got attached when I shouldn't have. But when Drew told me that you guys were getting closer and that he wanted to make a move, it caused tension. Not only did we not talk to each other, it caused us to not talk to you, which was wrong. You didn't have to be brought into it like that, we should've worked it out before it escalated like that. But, Bianca that's why I'm here. I'm sorry for being such an asshole, I should've explained everything to you earlier but I just couldn't. I was so hurt, B. I'd never felt this way about anyone before but every time I look at you, I see the future in your eyes."

"You guys were fighting over me?" I stutter.

"Yeah." he says, his head hanging in shame.

"I never saw Drew in that way, Brad." I say "It was always you."

"What?" his eyebrows meeting in the middle, jolting with energy all of a sudden.

"It was. But you cut me off totally."

"I'm sorry. I'm so damn stupid." he says, looking up at me "I did reach out to you. Those letters.. I wrote them. I was your secret admirer."

"You were?" I ask, everything finally making sense.

"I really like you, Bianca." he smiles, slightly "Everything I just sang, I meant. Maybe it could be us, Bianca."

"I can't, Brad." I say, pulling away all of a sudden, flinching at his touch.

"Why?" he stutters, confusion taking over his face "I know you're leaving but-"

"Brad, I can't." I say, looking into his brown eyes "I'm sorry but it's complicated right now."

"I love you, Bianca." he blurts as I stare at him, shocked at his sudden confession.

"All we can be right now is friends. I'm happy to have you in my life but not in that way. I love you too but as a bestfriend."


Damn that's gotta hurt! Imagine if Brad and Bianca worked out? :(

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now