thirty four

361 8 9

"Morning, Jack." I say, opening the door, still in my pyjama's "You're early."

"Yeah, misjudged the time from my place to yours." He says rubbing the back of his neck, in embarrassment.

"Nah, you're right. Come in."

"What time are the other boys coming?" Says Jack, taking a seat on the couch.

"Soon. There'll probably be late though." I laugh "Coffee?"

"Ah, yes please." He says, looking up from his phone. I make his coffee before excusing myself so I could get changed and get our day started.

"How's your footy going?" I say, making small talk as I walk back into the living room.

"The boys are going well, racked up the win against West Coast this weekend which was good. Finals are in sight." He says.

"Ahh, that's good. I haven't been to a game of yours in a while."

"I know. Definitely come to one before you move."

"It'll be hard to support the Blues but anything for you." I laugh.

"Goood Morning!" Says Luke, dramatically opening the door as he sings into the living room.

"You're in an awfully good mood, Luke." Says Jack as they give each other a man hug.

"Morning boys, definitely took your time." I smile, giving each of them a hug.

"Sorry, B. Luke over here wanted to make a pit stop at macca's and nearly bought out the whole joint." Says Caleb, giving me a hug.

"Anyone up for some pancakes?" Says Luke, taking the food out of the macca's bag.

"Nah, we're good. You guys took so long we cooked ourselves breakfast already." Says Jack.

"Alright, Silvagni, we weren't that late." Says Luke, mocking him.

"Alright, just eat your pancakes Lukey so we can get started." I laugh.

The boys kindly offered to help me move most of my stuff back into mum's place. I was leaving only my necessities like my bed and clothes here since I was still going to sleep here and everything until I had to go. The rest were going to mum's for storage whilst I was away.

The thought of starting fresh in a new country and a new apartment was starting to grow on me. It was my turn to do things for me now.

I haven't heard anything about Marcus and I didn't want to. I was missing him more than anything but he hurt me so much that it wasn't enough. No ones asked me about him and I was glad.

I haven't seen Jason since that day I mistakenly kissed him thinking it was Marcus. He was giving me space and all I wanted was to just see him again. He knew me better than anyone and I needed him right now.

"Alright the car's basically full, I'll make the first trip now." Says Caleb, grabbing his keys out of his pocket.

"Thanks, Caleb." I say, my hands full of boxes.

"You need help, B?" Says Jack, rushing over dropping everything he had in his hands.

"Thanks, Jack." I smile as he takes half the boxes off me as he follows me down to the skips.

"How have you been? After all you know.." He says, as we enter the elevator.

"It's been tough but I've just spent more time on myself and it's really helping."

"That's good. I was worried about you." He says, looking at me. His hazel eyes were captivating.

"Thanks." I whisper. I hand him the boxes as he accidentally touches my hand and looks up at me, leaning in "We shouldn't." I say pulling away.

"Yeah." He says, looking down regretting his actions. We make our way back to the elevator as he grabs my hand.

"Are you guys going to do any work or?" Says Luke, looking at our intertwined hands disapprovingly.

"Mhmm.." Says Jack pretending to think "Nah." He says, squeezing my hand.

"I don't feel too well." I say, taking a seat on the floor clutching onto my stomach.

"You don't look too good either." Says Jack putting the back of his hand on my forehead.

"Take it easy, B. We've got it covered." Says Luke, flexing his arms.

The boys insist I rest and leave me on the couch as they continue to finish the rest of the work.

"C'mon boys, I'm fine. This is my stuff after all, I have to help." I say, getting up from the couch.

"No, B. Rest, okay? I know you've been sick for ages and you're not doing yourself any good." Says Luke.

"Plus, we're nearly finished." Adds Jack "Take it easy, B." He says, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I don't like Jack. He was my brother's roommate and best mate since primary, I wasn't going to go down that road. I still haven't moved on from Marcus and I know it will take me more than less than a week to. There would be no point of starting something when I'd be leaving in less than two weeks.

"It's not nice to stare at people like that you know?" Smirks Jack at me as I snap back to reality.

"Stare like what?" I laugh, pretending not to know what he's talking about.

"Oh I see." He says, walking over to me and tickling me.

"Stop! Jack!" I laugh uncontrollably, desperate to get him off me.

"You bunch of flirts!" Says Luke walking into the room as we burst out in laughter "We just finished, B. Anything else you want us to do?"

"Yeah. Just did the last trip." Says Caleb walking into the living room.

"No, I'm good. Thank you guys for helping out." I say, giving them both a hug.

"Anything for you, B." Says Jack.

"Alright, you coming Silvagni?"

"How you feeling? You want me to stay a little bit?" Says Jack walking over to me and feeling my forehead.

"I'm good as new, just need to rest." I smile up at him.

"You sure?"

"C'mon Jacky boy, you coming or not?" Says Caleb.

"I'll be fine." I say, giving him a kiss on the cheek before all the boys give me a hug and say their goodbyes.

I still had a massive migraine and a sore stomach, I have vomited twice today which wasn't a good sign but I just wanted some time to myself.

- ♡ -

Gooood Morning everyone! Happy Saturday! 😊 Disappointing loss last night for our boys, very proud of Bob and Boydy on an amazing career!

How was this chapter? Do you guys think anything will develop with Jack and Bianca? Will Bianca see Marcus before she goes?

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now