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I find myself at the Whitten Oval where I had planned to meet Marcus after a long day of school. I walk into the reception as I tell the receptionist who I was and what I was here for.

"Ah yes! The boys are still out there but you have a choice between sitting in the café or going to the stands whilst you wait. They shouldn't be too long, love." Says the friendly receptionist.

"Thank you." I smile, as I walk in and decide to take a seat in the café which was basically empty. I order myself a coffee and send Marcus a quick text telling him where I was before opening up my computer to start on my last assessments I was to hand in before graduation.

Not too long, I hear the commotion of the boys come through the doors from the oval.

"Hey, Bianca." Says the tall brunette as he walks over to me giving me a hug.

"Hey," I smile as the rest of the boys say hello to me. I give JJ a hug, since I feel like I hadn't seen him in so long.

"Ahh! Is this the famous Bianca we're always hearing about?!" Say Tom Boyd as he walks into the café, giving Marcus a cheeky smirk.

"That's me." I laugh, looking over at Marcus who was now as red as a tomato. Marcus punches Tom's arm as we all continue to laugh at the banter.

"Alright, I'm just gonna go and grab my stuff and then we're off." Says Marcus, before giving me a kiss on the cheek. I nod as I start packing up my stuff.

"Bye, boys. I'll see you all soon." I say as I give Jason, Caleb and Luke a hug before they too, headed off. "It was nice meeting you, Tom." I smile before giving him a hug also.

"You ready?" Says Marcus, putting on his backpack.

"Yep." I say, grabbing his hand as we walked out together.

"I know I told you we'd go to my place but I decided to change that because I want you to meet a very special someone." He says, as we walk towards his car.

"And who would that be?"

"You'll see." He says, giving me a cheeky smile. We both hop into his car as I think about who I could possibly be meeting.

"No need to be nervous, B." Says Marcus putting his free hand on my thigh followed by a reassuring smile.

We pull up to a nice modern house, which I was quite unsure whom it belonged to. I hop out of the car and follow Marcus up to the door. He squeezes my hand as he rings the doorbell.

"Ah! Marcus!" We are greeted by a warm smile from Geraldine. This must be his parents house then.

"Mum, I'm sure you remember Bianca?"

"Of course! How are you doing, love?" She says, pulling me into a hug.

"I'm good. How are you?" I smile, as I get lead inside. I'm greeted by the whole family who was hanging out in the living room.

"Hey, girls." I say walking over to Alana, Olivia and Sienna who were all sitting on the couch, giving them hugs.

"Hey, Bianca." They all say in unison. I look over to see where Marcus was, since I had lost him in all the commotion.

"B, come here." He says, motioning him over where he was, with who I guess was his Grandma. I walk over to them.

"Nonna, I'd like you to meet Bianca." He says, as he puts his arm around me.

"Nice to meet you." I smile as I give her a hug.

"Is this your girlfriend, Marcus?" She says giving us both a smile as I laugh. I look at Marcus, waiting for his answer.

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now