twenty nine

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"Um, I," Says Tayla getting up from her seat, struggling to get her words out as I give her a look asking for an explanation  as to why she was holding my boyfriend's hand "I heard the news and wanted to send my good wishes." I look over at Daisy as well as Caleb not sure what to say. She was the last person, apart from Alex, that I had wanted to see. How dare her show her face here after cheating on him? I stood there in shock unable to get my words out. I didn't want to fight with her because I knew that it wouldn't make the situation any better.

"Please let go." I whisper, looking at her grip.

"Look, Tayla I think you should go." Says Caleb, stepping in.

"He's mine, Bianca. You know that." She snaps refusing to release her grip from Marcus' hand.

"What makes you think you can come in here and claim that his yours? You were the one who cheated Tayla!" I snap back, trying to compose myself as Caleb puts his arm out infront of me, calming me down.

"You don't know anything, Bianca." She says coming a step closer.

"Leave." I say, through my gritted teeth. One of us had to be classy one and if it wasn't going to be her, I'd gladly be the one.

"Hey, B." Says Sienna walking in, followed by Geraldine "Woah, Tayla?" She says, shocked. Taken aback.

"Tayla?" Says Geraldine, just as shocked as the rest of us. She looks at me her eyes filled with fatigue and sadness.

"Hi, Geraldine." Says Tayla, looking down.

She nods at her disapprovingly although still in a pleasant way, forcing out a smile unsure what to say as the tension builds in the room, everyone looking at one another searching for answers.

"I was just about to leave." She says before walking out as I feel I can breathe again. I take the seat next to Marcus where she had placed herself and grab his hand as everyone in the room remains silent.

"How long had she been here?" I ask Daisy.

"About half an hour. I was the only one in her then she walked in and introduced herself."

"Did she say anything?"

"She was just talking to Marcus, saying sorry and everything." I nod as I look down at my boyfriend and frown.

"We all miss you so much," I whisper "Please wake up, Marcus." I couldn't cry anymore, I had cried all my tears. My eyes were dull and filled with glum. I squeeze his cold hands and rest my head on his chest, assessing his fingers, oh how they used to touch me and I'd feel electricity.

Marcus was the one that filled my life with happiness and love. He was my source of happiness, he made me look forward for the next day. He kept me grounded but was my number one support. He was that one boy unlike any other, he was the dream boyfriend that girls wrote about in their diary's. He was the boy that every dad wishes their little girl would bring home. He was simply perfect.

Meeting you was fate, my love. You were the breath that I needed in order to keep going. I didn't see it coming. Falling inlove with you wasn't something I hadn't expected but I did, so damn fast. Being inlove with you is something I couldn't stop even if I tried. Everything you do, everything you say and everything you are made me fall for you. You're my first thought in the morning, the last thought before I go to sleep and everything in between. You are the fire in my life, you know how to treat me right. You drove me mad with the way you annoyed me with how much you complimented me. You are my other half, my better half. You are too good to be real, my love. I want you forever. Through the good, through the bad and the ugly. I want to grow old with you and show you how much I love you. I don't want to lose you, not now. Please, wake up my love. I love you so much, sweet.

"Bianca?" I feel someone shaking my shoulder attempting to wake me up. At this point, I had gotten so caught up in my thoughts I didn't realise that I had dosed off.

"Mum?" I say rubbing my eyes, as she flashes me a worryfull smile. I giver her a hug aswell as Katie who was standing right behind her.

"Hey, B." She says, giving me the same smile everyone had been giving me. It was a sympathetic smile as if to say, I know things aren't well but I'm going to give you this smile anyways so you don't  think I'm too happy but neither depressed about the situation. I give her a hug followed by a flat hello.

I introduce Geraldine and Sienna to my mum and sister realising that this was the first time my mum would meet Geraldine. I wish it was in different circumstances but some things just come unexpectedly. My mum and Geraldine start to talk to each other finally being able to meet and bond over their kids.

"How's he doing?" Says Katie walking over to where I was sitting, looking at Marcus.

"He's doing okay. He's expected to wake up soon, still waiting." I sigh. My sister looks down at me and knows I wasn't in a good state.

"I hate seeing you like this, B. Just know that everyone around you loves you and is here for you always." She simply gives me a hug, reassuring me that everything would be okay. I lean on her shoulder, cuddling up to her as the weight of world lifted off my shoulder, even for just a little bit in the safety net of my little sister.

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Who guessed the unwanted visitor right? She always pops up in the most inconvenient times *face palm*. Hopefully Marcus wakes soon :(

How's everyone's Tuesday going? Our skipper has retired his retirement today, so sad but also expected tbh :( Such a shame that he didn't end his career with a premiership #ThankYouBob

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now