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"They've basically given you the position, Bianca." Says my teacher, after she pulled me aside at the end of the day.

"Oh my gosh!" I was happy, but my heart sunk. It was everything I had been working towards and something I'd always dreamt of but I was in such a good point in my life and to think that it could all be changed in the span of a couple of months scared me.

"I know that it's a massive thing and is not something that should be taken lightly but it is such a good opportunity that only comes once, Bianca. You really deserve it." I nod, as the realisation starts to sink in.

"It won't be announced until graduation, which is slowly creeping up on us but you have plenty of time to think about it." She says, before she says her goodbyes.

The idea of moving to London absolutely terrified me. I know I had a decision to make but it was basically already made for me. It was something I could never turn down because I know that it is the best thing I will get. Saying that it is difficult to make it big in the music industry was an understatement. When am I going to tell my parents? Let alone how? What about Marcus? I would give anything and do anything for this boy, but not my own happiness and future.

I hop into my car, still deep in thought about the news I had just heard. I start to drive to the café where I planned to meet Marcus for a coffee. Everything had been back to normal since our little moment during the end of that trip last month. I was happier than ever and did not want this to end when it was just beginning.

I walk into the busy café before spotting Marcus. I walk slowly behind where he was sitting on his phone.

"Hey, handsome." I smile, as I wrap my arm around his neck from behind.

"Hey, beautiful." He says, giving me a kiss on the cheek. I walk over to my seat and start looking down at my menu.

"You been here long?"

"Not really, I got here about 5 minutes before you." He says, grabbing my hand.

"Good." I smile.

"How was school?" Marcus asks and I can't seem to look him in the eye to answer his question.

"It was fine." I say along with a fake smile. I wasn't ready to tell him just yet and not any time soon. "How was training?" I say, quickly changing the subject.

"It was good, you're coming this weekend yeah?"

"Of course." I smile, as I squeeze his hand. He gives me a cheeky grin before snapping a picture of me.

"Hey! I wasn't ready for that!" I say, reaching over trying to grab his phone.

"And, posted!" Says Marcus, as he presses the button. I give him a pout and he squeezes my cheeks.

"C'mon now, you looked beautiful, love."

"Still not nice." I say crossing my arms.

Likes 5478     Comments 50@marcus_bontempelli: ❤@bianca_hart: I wasn't ready for that ):@marcus_bontempelli: still beautiful though (: @daisychambers: cuties 😍@luke_dahlhaus: you've done well, Mr

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Likes 5478     Comments 50
@bianca_hart: I wasn't ready for that ):
@marcus_bontempelli: still beautiful though (:
@daisychambers: cuties 😍
@luke_dahlhaus: you've done well, Mr. Bontempelli 😉

"Thank you, that was really nice." I smile, as we walk out hand in hand.

"Anything for you," He smiles down at me.

"Although, I'm not too impressed about that photo."

"I thought we were pass that!" He laughs.

"Clearly not." I pout.

"You love me, B" He smirks.

"Love is a very strong word." I wink.

"It is." He nods, followed by a cheeky grin. I arrive at my car and unlock it.

"Do you have to go?" He pouts, putting his hand over the driver's door, not letting me get in.

"I'm visiting you tomorrow!" I laugh.

"But that's tomorrow."

"I'm sure 24 hours isn't such a long wait."

"That's an eternity!"

"You're more clingy than my brothers!" I laugh "Bye, Marcus." I smile, going on my tippy toes giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Goodbye, Bianca." He smiles, as he opens my door "Text me when you get home."

"So damn clingy." I say, jokingly under my breath knowing I'd get a reaction.

"I just wanna know whether you got home safe or not."

"Such a gentleman." I smile, before shutting my door and waving one last time. I pull out and make the short drive home.

He made me forget all my worries in the world. Every time I was with him, there was only one thing on my mind and that was him. He made feel everything and more and I couldn't have asked for better company.

- -

i know, i know this chapter was really cheesy but eh i know you guys love it ;)

you guys may have noticed that i've changed my book cover and book name to Half a Heart. Thought I liked this one better since I didn't really know where Like Wildfire fit into my story. I also changed my username to lil-cara, no my name isn't cara just wanted to change it for privacy reasons (:

anyways hope you all have a good day xx

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now