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It's been about a week since Marcus and I's little date and we still haven't talked since. I've been trying to take my mind off it by keeping myself busy. I've been posting a few covers, focusing more on school and doing more gigs. It only does so much, until I'm alone. There's nothing else on my mind really. I hope that the trip with JJ will help clear my mind completely.

I grab my packed duffle bag, lock all the doors and double check all the lights were turned off before I shut the front door of my apartment behind me. I walk down to the front of my apartment where Abby was waiting. I was carpooling with her since Daisy was riding with Caleb.

"Hey, B. Hop in" Says Abby, as I open the door and hop into the front seat.

"Hey Abby." I say giving her a tight hug. "Hey, Milla" I say, looking behind me where Milla was sitting in her little car seat. She gives me a little wave before going back and playing with her little toy.

"Where's Jake?" I say, whilst putting my seatbelt on.

"He's carpooling with JJ, Josh and Luke." She says, eyes on the road. I put my phone on aux as all of us sing to the songs. I had been talking to Abby about what had happened with Marcus, it's nice to get a girls insight in it.

"Well, maybe this trip will be good for you." She says, giving me a little smirk. I give her a confused look but all she does is laughs and shrugs it away.

3 hours later, we arrive at our destination. We were the last ones to arrive at the little beach house the boys had organise to rent for the little getaway. We walk into the house, grabbing our stuff from the boot which took a couple of trips. I say my hello's to everyone. The only one I hadn't met before was Josh's sister, Laura. I soon learnt I was sharing a room with, as well as Daisy. We all walk into our room. There was one bunk bed and one double bed. I call dibs on the bottom bunk whilst Lara and Daisy fought it out for the double bed.

I lay in my bed for a while before I hear a little commotion in the living room because of a new arrival. I walk out of my room into the living room and see the familiar face I had been dreading, as much as I had been hoping to see. Everyone gives him a hug and all I can do is stare, still not being able to register that he was actually here. He looks over to my direction, and gives me a small smile followed by a nod. I nod back, acknowledging his presence.

I can't say I didn't expect to see him here, since Jason was one of his best mates and that of course he would've been invited. I wonder if he knew I would be here?

As soon as I get the moment to take Jason aside, I tap his shoulder and motion him to meet me at the balcony.

"Jason," I say, as he follows me outside "Did you know Marcus was going to be here?"

"Yeah," He says, not quite able to look me in the eye "I know you guys aren't on the best terms but I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to you know, for you guys to make up."

"I just, I don't know if I'm ready to face him."

"I hate seeing you sad, Bianca." He says, putting his arm around me "And, I thought this would make you feel better."

"It's okay, JJ. I appreciate it, I really do." I say, putting my head on his shoulder.

"Good. I'm not expecting you to be 100%, just try for me okay?"

"For you, I will."

"Now, let's go back in before Marcus starts getting jealous." He says, laughing. I give him a glare "Too soon?" I laugh and punch his arm on the way out.

"Alright everyone, we're leaving in about half an hour to grab a bite to eat. So be ready to go by let's say 6?" Says Luke, before quickly running to the bathroom, with Caleb not far behind but gets a door slammed in his face.

"Damn it! Every time Luke!" Says Caleb, punching the door. Us girls all laugh.

"Gee boys! You take longer in the bathroom than us girls!" I yell out and I get a laugh from all the boys and girls.

The girls walk back into the rooms to freshen up. I do my brows, put some mascara on and highlight, of course. I pop on blue ripped jeans, a black pullover cropped jumper and my adidas originals. I look into the mirror one last time making sure I looked okay.

"B, sorry to be such a bother but do you mind helping me get Milla ready? I just need to take a quick shower but Milla's not dressed yet." Says Abby, popping her head into our room with Milla, trailing behind her.

"Yeah, of course Abby!" I say, taking Milla's bag into the room "C'mon Milla, let's get you ready." I say grabbing her little hand. I look though Milla's little bag and decide to put her a cute floral dress and boots as well as a warm cardigan.

"You look gorgeous, Milla." I say, showing her her reflection in the mirror.

"Thank you, auntie Bianca." She says in her cute little baby voice.

"Aw you're welcome, love." I say before we take a little girls mirror selfie together and put it on my snapchat.

"Bianca, I'm hungry." She says, tugging on my arm.

"We're going to dinner soon okay?" I say "But I can grab you a little treat from the kitchen if you want?" I say giving her a smile. She gives me a cheeky smile followed by a nod. I grab her hand and lead her into the kitchen. As soon as we walk out, I come across a familiar face sitting on the couch, entertained by his phone. The brown eyes look up at me and gives me a small nod. I walk Milla into the kitchen and grab her a few lollies before I let her wonder off. I make my way to the couch, knowing he was still there.

"Hi." I say, before taking the seat furthest away from him.

"How have you been?" Says Marcus in his soft, gentle voice. It was almost a whisper.

"Good." I say, still looking down at my feet "You?"

"I've been," He starts, thinking about what he wanted to say "Okay."

Our little conversation was interrupted by the announcement that we were now leaving. Although our conversation was nothing less than a few words, it was nice to hear his voice again.

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i don't really like this chapter :/ but there'll be another chapter about the trip so it's not done just yet ;)

happy tuesday everyone !!

please keep liking and commenting telling me what you think x

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now