twenty two

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I find myself at a local park, thinking about everything happening in my chaotic life. It was a cold winter day and even though I was freezing, the fresh air was something I needed.

I had once again ruined something with Marcus. I don't deserve him. He deserves so much more. I can't keep hurting him and I hate knowing that I do hurt him. I want him happy. Even if that means his source of happiness is Tayla. Why do I keep ruining all the good things in my life? I ruin things even when I try my hardest not to.

"What are you doing out here in the cold?" I hear a deep voice say to me, I look up at the unfamiliar figure "Woah, you don't look good." He says, when he sees the mascara running down my face.

"Thanks." I say, sarcastically. Quite annoyed that this stranger had ruined my little thinking session.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that." The tall blonde boy apologises. He had green eyes that stood out when I first looked at him.

"Do I know you?" I say, quite annoyed.

"I'm Blake." He says, holding his hand out to me, I hesitate to take it but end up doing so.

"Bianca." I say.

"What's wrong?" He frowns, taking a seat next to me.

"It's long shitty story that would drain you." I sigh.

"I have some time." He smiles.

"It's okay. I appreciate it but I have to go." I say, getting up, wiping away my tears "It was nice meeting you, Blake."

"And you." Blake says, flashing me a smile.

I walk back to my apartment, checking my phone to see if Marcus had contacted me. Nothing. My heart drops but I didn't expect anything. I wanted to give him space to just think but I also wanted to just see him more than anything.

"Bianca." Says Alex, standing up. He had placed himself infront of my door, waiting for me.

"Alex, I don't want to see you." I say, annoyed.

"I just want to talk." He whispers, looking down. I can smell alcohol on him, he was clearly drunk.

"Talk about what, Alex?" I say, anger in my voice "There is nothing to talk about."

"I miss you." He says, grabbing my arm. I shake him off.

"You can't keep doing this, Alex." I say, feeling the tears come down my face "You can't keep coming back to me everytime I have something good. Why can't I be the one that's happy for once? Alex, you knew what you were doing to me. You broke me down so much I didn't know what to do. I loved you so much and I was just there. Your rebound. I stuck by you even when I knew you were seeing other people, Alex. I didn't want to believe them. I believed you." I say, anger in my voice. I punch his chest, not knowing how to take out my anger.

"I'm sorry." He whispers, trying to pull me closer.

"You hurt me so much, Alex. You really did. You're not what I want anymore." I whisper, tears streaming down my face. I was exhausted from all the drama with Alex, it had been going on for way too long.

"I love you." He says. He was lying and I knew it. The times I had heard those words and believed it was uncountable. I had learnt from my mistakes and he wasn't what I wanted anymore.

"Get off me," I say, releasing myself from his grip but he doesn't let go "Please." I cry, trying to free myself from his strong grip. My arms were stinging from his long nails digging into me. He leans in trying to kiss me as I scream hoping someone would hear. But no one came.

"Bianca?!" Says Marcus, in shock. I release myself from Alex, wiping my mouth in disgust. Telling Alex to get off me.

"Marcus." I cry, happy to see him, hoping he would help me get away from Alex.

"I came here to talk it out with you. I wanted to listen to your side because I felt shit about dismissing you before and wanted to see if you were okay but I see that you're doing just fine."

"It's not what it looks like." I cry.

"Back off, Marcus. She's mine now." Says Alex, pushing Marcus. Marcus pushes back, a brawl erupting. I try to place myself in the middle of the two boys as punches start to be thrown. I yell at the boys to stop, not wanting anyone to get hurt. I finally grab Marcus away from Alex. I look up at him and he had a cut lip which would probably work out for him in the end, he wouldn't have to explain himself the media nor the club.

"Alex, leave now." I say, sternly, pointing to the elevator.

"I will be back." Threatens Alex as he walks off, giving Marcus a look.

"Marcus, are you okay?" I say "Come in, I'll fix you up."

"No, Bianca." He says, flinching at my touch "You're not any better than your little boyfriend." He says, shrugging me off before he too made his way out. I collapse to my knees crying out. Why did I deserve this? I cry, unable to move, leaning on my front door. Everything in my life was crashing down.

"B?" I hear Daisy say, making her way out of the elevator, followed by Caleb "Are you okay?" She says, concern in her voice. I look up at the two, barely able to keep my eyes open because it was so swollen from all the crying. I cry into Daisy's shoulder as they take me inside asking what was wrong. I tell them the long story about how I had once again ruined my relationship with Marcus. They listen, concern and disappointment both taking over their face as I tell them the full story.

"Alex had the audacity to come here?" Says Daisy shocked, irritation in her voice. I nod my head as I wipe my tears away.

"I better check out where Marcus is," Says Caleb "I'll keep you updated, okay?" He says to me. I nod my head.

"Thank you for listening." I say, blandly.

"Of course, B." Says Caleb "Take it easy okay?" He says giving me a hug before saying goodbye to Daisy and making his way out.

I continue to cry into Daisy's shoulder. I didn't want to lose Marcus. I saw the future in his eyes. When I met him, I never imagined that I would have such strong feelings for him. I never imagined I would be so inlove with him that I would have dreams about him, miss being around him when we were apart or get butterflies when someone would mention his name.

"He's at home. He's doing fine. Caleb took care of him." Says Daisy. I give her a nod, asking her to tell Caleb thank you.

Even though I wasn't the one with him to make sure he was okay. Even though I wasn't the one able to take care of him, I was still glad that at least one of us was okay, even if it was just a little bit.

- ♡ -

hey all, I know I was meant to update on Tuesday but I updated early for you all since our boys won today! Thought that that was a pretty good enough excuse 😂 and plus, I'm currently writing chapter 46 so running ahead of time! I can't wait to share it with you guys, I've enjoyed writing it so much and can't wait. Things are definitely going to take a turn so hold on to your seats hahahah anyways, I'll still be updating Tuesday, hoped you liked this one xx

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now