fifty five

201 5 20


You're still as beautiful as ever. Like a beach sunset on a beautiful summer's night. Oh, how I wish you knew because I hate seeing you down. Do you know who I am yet? Have you guessed?

Yours Truly,
Your secret admirer.

I cringe at the fifth letter I'd gotten from my 'secret admirer'. Who was this and why did they think it was a funny joke? I fold it up, put it in my pocket as I make my way over to the boys dressing room since mine was so quiet.

"Hey, boys." I smile, walking in.

"Hey, B." says everyone in unison. I still struggled to understand why we tried to fit all 9 of us in such a small room but we did.

"How are you feeling today?" says Drew, giving me a hug.

"Not too bad, still have a bit of a headache." I shrug.

"Not good." he frowns, not letting me go out from his grip. I make eye contact with Bradley, who still hadn't talked to me for the longest time. I was finally convinced that he was ignoring me. He gets up from his seat as he retreats the room.

"What's wrong with him?" I frown, knowing that he'd left because of me.

"It's not you, B. He just.." says Conor trying to make up an excuse "has a lot going on."

"I'm gonna go and talk to him." I say.

"No, it's fine. I got it." says Austin, making a run for the door before I could. Why was everyone acting so weird?

"Don't stress. Sit." says Tris, patting the couch.

"You excited for the show tonight?" says James - his attempt to change the subject and lighten the mood.

"Very." I smile. We hear a knock on the door, as I hope it was Bradley.

"Come in." sings Drew.

"Oh, hey Soph! Hey Ebony!" says James, excitedly greeting the guest that I hadn't met before.

"Hey guys." says the two girls in unison, giving everyone a hug in the room.

"B, this is my sister Sophie and my good friend, Ebony." says James, introducing us to each other.

"Hey, guys." I smile, giving them each a hug.

"Hello, nice to meet you." says the blond who was Ebony.

"And you." I smile.

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now