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My phone is bombarded with notifications. 15 new text messages, 2,000 Instagram notifications and the rest were emails. I check my messages and I realise I have gotten a few from Daisy. They were all links that I decide to click on, which I soon regretted.

Marcus Bontempelli and Bianca Hart: New fling?

Has star footballer Marcus Bontempelli moved on from Tayla Harris!?

Star Bulldog spotted with a new flame, Bianca Hart.

Has Marcus Bontempelli moved on from his long term relationship with AFLW player Tayla Harris already?

I spend an hour reading through all the articles written about me and Marcus. I can't help but notice that one particular name keeps coming up. Tayla Harris. I look up her name and find an abundance of photos and articles on her and Marcus. I soon learn that they had previously been in a long term relationship recently and nothing has been confirmed about them no longer seeing each other which explains why it had been such a revelation to the media all of a sudden with me now in the picture. She was gorgeous. She had blonde hair and was fit. She was an AFLW player which probably what attracted Marcus to her. They had everything in common and were what the media described as 'the perfect pair' and it was hard to disagree. It made me wonder if Marcus and her still talked? or even had feelings for each other. They were still a new fling. What if Marcus was just drunk that one night at the pub and they were still together?

good morning babe, how are you feeling today? I'll come down and see you after training. Have a good day, my love

I decide to not answer. I know I couldn't put it off forever but I wanted to for as long as I could. I can't help but think about how amazing last night was but that constant reminder of Tayla kept coming back. I never asked him about other girls because I did trust him but it surprised me how it never came up. I convince myself to get out of bed after many hours of research that I shouldn't have done because it just made the situation worse.

I take a shower and freshen myself up ready to get my day started. I organise to meet my mum and sister for lunch before my meeting with my new management team to confirm everything for London which was slowly creeping up on me that I had to make my decision soon. I throw on some ripped boyfriend jeans along with a knitted black long sleeve. I put on my black boots and throw some sunnies on. I'm out by 12:30 for a late lunch with my mum and sister. I make the short trip to Smith St. in Collingwood and make my way to the café in which they were waiting for me.

"Hey, mum!" I smile, giving her a hug "Hey, Katie." Walking over to her and giving her a hug also.

"How have you been, love?" Says mum, as I take my seat infont of them.

"I've been good, mum. How's everything at home? I've missed your cooking so much." I laugh.

"It's been good. You don't visit enough, love!" She smiles

"I've been very busy."

"Yeah, with a boy." Smirks Katie, followed by a laugh. My mum gives me a confused, disapproving look and I laugh in embarrassment.

"You've been stalking me hey?" I joke

"There's no need to. I'm pretty updated by your instagram posts." She laughs and I feel my cheeks turn red.

"Who's this boy you're talking about?" My mum butts in.

"His name is Marcus," I say, almost feeling myself give in "We met at one of my gigs." I say, quite embarrassed. In the six months I've known Marcus, this is the first time they're hearing about this.

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now