sixty nine

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"Good morning." says Daisy, yawning.

"Morning." I smile, taking a sip of my coffee, quickly regretting it because it was still hot.

"What's on for today?" she asks.

"Well," I sigh "I think I'm going to talk to him today."

"That's a good idea." she smiles. It amazed me that we could talk about anyone and she would know who I was exactly talking about.


"How's little peanut? You're growing so quickly!" says Daisy, rubbing my stomach.

"Right? The growing's caught up to me now. I'm getting so big." I chuckle.

"Who's getting so big?" says Caleb walking in and giving Daisy a kiss.

"Our lemon tree." Daisy points out the balcony at the lemon tree I never knew even existed.

"It is, isn't it?"

"What're you doing today, babe?" says Daisy, turning to Caleb, quick to change the subject.

"Last training before the game on Sunday. I'll be back at about 3." says Caleb.

"Will Marcus be around today?" I ask. It's unusual to even say his name.

"Yeah." Caleb flashes a smile at Daisy then at me "Why do you ask?"

"I need to talk to him," I say "do you mind making him hang back for a little after training?"

"Yeah, of course. We finish at around 2:30, most of the boys go home straight away but Marcus usually stays back for a bit anyways because Marcus being Marcus, he's always looking for something to improve - he stays back to spend extra time on his goal kicking then he's in the showers. He's usually out by 3:30 and by then everyone's already home." Caleb exclaims, unable to wipe the cheeky smile off of his face.

"Alright. Just text me if any of the plans changes, okay?" I ask "And wipe that smile off your face, Daniel."

"Just happy, Hart." he chuckles "And I know a certain someone will be too."

"Aren't you meant to be at training, Daniel?" I raise an eyebrow.

"See ya." Caleb smirks once again before giving Daisy another kiss and heading off to training.

"One second." I yell out, before he could even take one step.

"Please don't tell him I'm coming."

"I won't." He winks.

"Stop winking at me, it looks like you have an eye twitch!" I tease.

I've spent countless hours contemplating what to say to him. I can't seem to find the right combination of words to tell him that we were now having a little kid together. It was far from planned but nothing near an accident. I don't believe that giving life to someone can be an 'accident'. All I wanted to do was tell him as soon as possible so I could start telling my family and friends the news. Regardless of whether he wants to be in the picture of our child or not. The best part of being pregnant was breaking the news to everyone. The excitement, the fear and the future that you talked about with your partner/family. The excitement of buying clothes. The fear of the uncertainty. The future of everything coming together.

I didn't want a broken family. No one ever asks for that. I want my child to grow up with both it's father and mother around. Together. But that was the uncertainty I wouldn't be able to find out until I talked to Marcus. Am I willing to forget everything for a complete family?

All clear. He's staying back for half an hour or so for some kicking. You'll catch him if you get here at 4:00. Good luck, Hart ;)

I stare down at Caleb's message, feeling all sorts of emotions. Fear, excitement, nervousness. I hadn't seen Marcus in months let alone talked to him. I hadn't heard anything about him either. What if he was still with Tayla and I just spring it on him that he now has a child? What if he chooses her over us? The uncertainty of the future absolutely terrified me.

"Hey," says the tall brunette who was still in his training clothes, his sports bag over his shoulder with a drink bottle in his other hand.

"Hi." I say, just as taken aback at the boy who stood before me.

"Hey," he stutters again "sorry, I'm just really shocked to see you."

"Yeah, I know. It's okay." I say. We keep a quite large distance between us, neither of us wanting to come closer. He froze as soon as he saw me.

"I thought you were in London for another 3 months." Marcus says, still confused.

"Yeah," I say "something came up."

"Everything okay?" his mood changes all of a sudden, flashing me a concerned look.

"Yeah." I flash a fake smile "I just needed to talk to you."

"What's up?" he says worried, urging me to take a seat in the cafe.

"I-uh-it's-um-I'm" I stutter. I couldn't get these words out. I was so terrified at his reaction. I slide him over the ultrasound pictures, bracing myself for his reaction. I look up at him as he stares down at the picture before looking up at me.

"Are you-you're pregnant?" Marcus asks, barely a whisper. I nod, finally being able to look him in the eye for the first the first time.

"Who's the father? How far along are yo-" he stutters, desperate for answers.

"I'm fourteen weeks pregnant, Marcus." I say "Meaning.."

"You were pregnant before you left." he says, finishing the sentence off for me.

"I didn't know. I found out last week and came home straight away to tell you. I didn't want to tell anyone before you."

"You didn't have to." he says.

"Of course I did. I can't do this all on my own especially in a foreign country I had no family in." I sigh.

"You don't have to do this all by yourself." Marcus says, looking down at my stomach. I give him a nod reassuring him that he could touch it.

"I know," I say "But, Tayla?"

"Tayla? he asks, furrowing his brows "We broke up a while ago now. It was stupid, I'm sorry."

"It's ok-"

"No, I shouldn't have rushed into it so quickly with her. Why didn't you tell me that I was with you?"

"The truth?" I sigh as he gives me a nod "I didn't want to make things any harder for you. You looked happy with her, you really did and you were already going through so much. It made my move to London easier knowing that I wouldn't have to leave you behind."

"The truth always comes out." he says "Like it did a couple of months ago."

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now