fourty one

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"This looks amazing, Bryce." I say in awe, looking at all the decorations he'd put up.

"Why thank you." He says, bowing down as he continued to finish the last touches.

"Do you need some help?" I ask.

"No, B. This is your day. Go and get ready, we've got it covered." Says Kate, hopping up on one of the ladders, helping Bryce.

I make my way to my old bedroom where I used to stay before I moved out. A lot of my stuff from my apartment was there since I was using the room for storage, so I had nearly everything I needed. It reminded me of how my bedroom once looked in 2007 when I was still in highschool and constantly stressed over anything.

I hop into the shower and feel the warm water hit my skin. Today was my going away party that was organised by Katie and Bryce. I did think of organising my own going away party but with the chaos of the past few weeks, it's completely run from my mind. I promise myself that I wouldn't let anything wreck today. I was leaving in less than five days and I was done dwelling on the whole ordeal. And plus, this is probably the last time I'll see half of my family friends before I actually leave and I wanted to make the most of it.

I finally hop out of the shower after deciding that I have inadequately stayed too long. I was too caught up in my thoughts that I hadn't even realised how long I had been in there for. I completely dry my body, wrap a towel around me and blow dry my hair. I wanted to keep it in my natural curls today and originally planned to let it dry on its own but I had wasted that time in the shower. I now turn to look at myself in the mirror and notice my forlorn eyes and can't help but feel dejected at what I was seeing. I was once filled with so much satisfaction and happiness in my life and now all I could do was question what went wrong. I apply a thicker layer of makeup for the special day, watching my bags disappear as I apply my concealer. I put on a layer of lipstick before taking one final look at myself and letting out a smile, forcing myself to get in the mood. I exit from the bathroom and look down at the dress laid down on my bed that mum got me for today. It was a beautiful dress with a floral pattern. I step into the dress with no struggle fitting into it since it was a little too big for me. A few months ago it would've fitted perfectly but now I was all skin and bones. My arms are bonier and my ribs and collarbone more visible. I still had my daily routine of vomiting but had gotten used to it since I had stubbornly diagnosed myself with Anorexia. I dealt with Anorexia Nervosa throughout highschool and it was nothing but hell. It took me years to snap myself out of it and it was disappointing to see it come back again.

I walk out of my bedroom into the beautiful lit living room, filled with decorations. I look at it all in awe and can't help but feel lucky and grateful for the amazing siblings I have.

"You look smoking, B!" I hear footsteps come down the stairs not too long behind mine as I turn around deterring my attention from the drinks table to my little sister looking all dolled up.

"Why thank you," I smile "you're not looking to bad yourself." She walks over to me and gives me a big hug. We've been inseparable since she was born and this would be the first time we'd ever be so far away from each other. She was more than just a sister but a bestfriend, we had a connection that only sisters could have and I was grateful to have her in my life.

The music and sound of chatter gets louder as everyone starts to fill our cosy living room. I didn't know who was coming here today since I wasn't in charger part of the planing so it was nice to see people I probably would not have thought of myself.

"Hey, Dais." I smile, giving her and Caleb a hug.

"Hey, B. You look stun." She winks.

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now