twenty seven

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I pack a bag with a change of clothes and toiletries so that I didn't need to keep coming back and forth from my apartment to the hospital. I look at myself in the mirror one last time before heading out of my apartment once again. I planned to go past to see my mum before I was to head to the hospital but I got a message from Sienna that the doctors were doing their test on Marcus now and that the results would be out soon.

I park my car and walk into the hospital through the back way in order to avoid the media. I make a short pit stop at the café buying everyone coffees and snacks before taking the elevator up to the ICU telling reception who I was. I walk into Marcus' hospital room and get greeted by Daisy, Caleb, Jason, Sienna, Olivia and Alana who were crashing anywhere there was space really. Daisy and Caleb were sharing an arm chair whilst Jason, Olivia and Sienna shared the bench and Alana simply just sitting on the floor. I look around the room and soon learn that visitors had already been coming through, there were flowers and cards at the front of the room.

"Hey, guys." I walk in giving them all a hug before handing them their coffees as I put my bag down.

"Hey, B." They all say in unison.

"Where's Marcus?" I say, his bed wasn't in the room anymore, as I walk over to the card and flowers, reading each message. It warmed my heart that everyone cared as much as I did for this boy.

"They're still running tests." Says Alana. I nod whilst I take a seat on the floor next to her.

"Take my seat, B. I'm sure you need it more than me." Says Jason, getting up from his seat. I thank him and take his seat.

"Did mum go home, Sienna?" I ask.

"Yeah, she went to pick up Dad since we all took the car."

"And Nonna?"

"She's coming soon. She's stressing a bit, I'm due to pick her up soon." Says Olivia, looking up from her phone.

Everyone in this room barely had any energy. Everyone was worried and restless, including me. We all entertain each other by talking about ourselves, trying to not think about Marcus even just for a second. We talk, getting to know each other a little more, even able to crack little jokes at points.

"Wow, we've got the whole of Footscray here!" Says Carlo, walking in seeing us all basically on top of each other, trying to find a comfortable position.

"Hey, dad." Says Liv, getting up from her seat which woke Sienna up as she was leaning on her shoulder.

"Hey, darling." He says, before proceeding to give us all a hug and thanking us for being here.

"How are you doing, Bianca?" He says, after getting to me.

"I'm doing okay," I smile, although my eyes weren't smiling "How are you?" He nods and gives me a faint good.

"Caleb and I are off, I have an appointment but we'll come back in the following days." Says Daisy, as she gets up from her seat giving us all a hug.

"Bye, Dais. Text me." I say.

"I will," She says "Stay strong, B." She whisper in my ear as she gave me a hug. I give her a reassuring smile as they both make their way out. I take their seat on the chair as Liv, Sienna and Alana announce that they too are off to pick up Nonna. As everyone started to leave, the room got quieter as I felt myself dose off once again.

I fear the sound of Marcus' bed being rolled back into his room as I feel myself wake up. I had found myself next to Jason as we leaned on each other, dosing off. I look at Geraldine and Carlo who were now coming back too, waiting for what the doctor had to say. The doctor walks in not too far behind Marcus as the nurses connect him back to his machine. He waits for them to finish before starting. Jason excuses himself to give us some privacy before the doctor finally started what we had been all waiting for.

"Hi, guys you must be Carlo and Geraldine," He says, putting his hand out to them. "And you?"

"Bianca. Marcus' girlfriend." I introduce myself shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you all, I'm Dr. Stanton. As you may have known, we have done some tests on Marcus and it went smoothly. We did a MRI to see what was going on in his brain and the results found that he experienced serious head trauma. So, the brain is made of soft tissue and is cushioned by spinal fluid and encased in the skull. When a concussion is experienced, the impact can jolt your brain. It can literally cause your brain to move around in your head possibly causing traumatic brain injuries such as bruising, damage of blood vessels and injury to the nerve. Our tests have revealed that Marcus suffered Grade 3 Concussion, which is very severe. We cannot quite say whether he will retain his memory. But we can say that he is expected to retain consciousness, although we cannot give you a time frame since it is very unpredictable." I hold Geraldine's hand as the doctor proceeds to tell us about Marcus' head trauma. My heart breaks hearing the consequences of my actions have caused my boyfriend. "He is doing well and is expected to be able to recover after rehab." We all nod at the doctor before thanking him for everything as he makes his way out.

Of course there were still the ongoing questions from the media and his family and friends on Marcus' AFL career. Was he still able to play on? There was no doubt that Marcus was successful in what he did and was very promising. He was already an All-Australian and was in the top 10 as a favourite in the Brownlow last year. I hate to think about the fact that because of me, Marcus could possibly have his dream taken away from him.

Carlo and Geraldine tell me that they were just going to go down for early dinner and asked if I wanted to come. I tell them that I'd be fine by myself and that they should just go on their own.

''Bye, love.'' Says Geraldine, giving my arm a squeeze before she heads out with Carlo.

I look down at my boyfriend's body. I take his hand and hold it. More than anything, I just wanted to talk to him again and hear him answer back.

''I miss you so much.'' I say into his arm ''We all miss you, cheeky one. The boys have been coming through, they are proud of you, as I am. They can't wait to have you back. Stay strong okay? You have too many amazing things and people to leave behind. We all want you back so bad. I'm sorry. This is all my fault that you're here and I feel terrible. I really do. I shouldn't have gotten you into the mess of what Alex and I's relationship was.'' Although I knew he couldn't hear me, it made me feel just a little bit better talking to him ''I love you so much, sweet. Please wake up.''

Likes: 5670    Comments: 40@biancahart: I love you so much, my love ❤@daisychambers: :( xx@abbgilmore: stay strong babe x

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Likes: 5670    Comments: 40
@biancahart: I love you so much, my love
@daisychambers: :( xx
@abbgilmore: stay strong babe x

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hey all, how are we liking it so far? Do you guys think Marcus will wake up soon? Please do continue to vote and comment, it's much appreciated x

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