fourty three

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The roar of the crowd is defeaning as the first whistle blows. It was Essendon v Carlton and the last match of the season before the finals. They were rival teams formed through famous upsets. They are the two most successful teams in the competition with the same amount of premierships won. There was no doubt that there was tension, supporters for both teams would pounce and defend their team in an instant with no hesitation.

As a kid, I grew up as a mad Essendon supporter with the influence of my dad's side. My grandfather played in two premierships for Essendon with my father following in his footsteps playing 150 games for Essendon. My brother not too far behind playing for the Essendon VFL side not too far from debuting in the AFL. With all that aside, tonight I was here for Jack because he asked me to come and support him.

I didn't like Jack, not in that way anyway. He was simply just my brother's roommate. Nothing more. I didn't want to go down that path and make things awkward when he was basically a brother to me. I know that Jack doesn't completely feel the same way as me but he understands how I feel and the circumstance and accepts that nothing else can develop. But Jack being Jack, he still won't give up.

My feelings at the moment are nothing short of confusing, draining and frazzling. I was over the whole situation and couldn't wait to just start fresh in London. It's all I need right now and as much as I will miss everyone, I need to get away from everything. Not only will it give me clarity, it will give me a good start coming back to Melbourne, getting on with my life again.

"C'mon Jack!" I cheer along with the crowd as he picks up the ball turning on his trusty left and kicking the goal as the crowd is brought to their feet. The siren signalling the end of the third quarter is drowned out by the crowd. Jack had just kicked the goal to put the Blues infront by 12 points going into the fourth term and I didn't wait to start stirring the pot with Bryce.

"Bit nervous now, Brycey?" I say, rubbing his hair out of place.

"Yeah, nah," he says putting his hair back in place "they'll catch up."

"Don't think so." I smirk.

I stand up and decide to go for a little walk and grab Bryce and I a few drinks since he was talking to an injured teammate and I wasn't really into the conversation.

I go for a water, since it was the only thing my body wouldn't reject at the moment and grab two beers for Bryce and Raz.

"Thanks, B." Bryce smiles, as I hand him the beer, getting a few annoyed remarks from the people sitting behind us telling me to sit down.

"Thanks, Bianca." says Raz smiling at me. At the 15 minute mark, it's a two-point ball game - Essendon's way. Everyone is at the edge of their seats hoping that someone would kick that winning goal for the Blues.

"I think you've lost this one, B." Smirks Bryce as I roll my eyes.

I let out a defeated sigh as Bryce and Raz rub it in my face, highfiving each whilst singing the Bombers song.

"..They all try their best, as the Bombers fly up!" They sing at the top to their lungs. They've just sealed a solid 4th position on the ladder going into finals.

"You coming down to see Jack?" I ask, Bryce.

"Yeah." he nods "I'll meet you down at the rooms afterwards." he says turning to Raz.

"See you." I say to Raz, giving him a hug before walking down to the rooms.

I get to the door as we show security our special passes. The room is quiet, the boys all sitting against the wall, fatigued from the thrilling game. My eyes meet with Jack as I give him a proud smile before walking over to him.

"Hey, Jack." I say, giving him a hug "You played amazing!"

"Thanks, B." he smiles, pulling me close.

"You sore?" I ask. He gives me a nod "Aw, it's okay. You did us proud, babe." I smile, giving him a kiss. No, we weren't dating, we didn't have a "thing" it's an inside joke we've had since forever.

"Much better." he smirks.

"Now, now. That's enough." Says Bryce, putting his hand over his eyes.

"You're just jealous I'm winning on and off the field, mate." smirks Jack.

"Actually-" starts Bryce before he instantly gets cut off by Jack.

"Nope, not listening." he says, covering his ears.

"Hey, mate." Says Charlie Curnow, walking over to us, fist bumping with Bryce.

"Hey, B." he says, turning to me, giving me a little wave.

"Hey." I smile, giving him a hug.

"Congrats on the London deal." he smiles.

"Thanks." I grin. I didn't really know who had known about me leaving, I had lost control over that after the party.

"Jack's pretty cut you're leaving him." Charlie smirks.

"Who wouldn't be?" I smirk back.

"Cut it, Curnow!" says Jack, quick to defend his ego.

"It's all truth." says Charlie, putting his hand up in surrender as I laugh at the banter.

"Anyways, I'm off to the winning rooms. See ya, losers." Says Bryce, his wave sass-filled.

"Good. You were never welcome here anyways." snaps Charlie. As Bryce waves once again, not turning around.

"You coming, B?" he asks.

"Nah, she's staying." says Jack, smiling at me, holding onto my waist.

"Oh, am I now?" I wink.

"Bye." says Charlie quickly, not wanting to see our PDA.

"Now, since I played so well, my dear, don't you owe me something?" he smirks at me. I turn to face him giving him a cheeky smile.

"And what's that?"

"That date of ours." he smiles down at me, our faces only inches apart.

- ♡ -

More Jianca! What do we all think? Thoughts on Jack and Bianca? Jack's a great guy and no doubt he'd treat her like a princess! Some new characters in this one, I really enjoyed writing this x Continue to vote and comment!

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now