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"Babe?" Says Marcus, hovering over the top of me "Sorry to wake you but I'm off. I'll come to see you later on okay?" He says giving me a kiss.

"Alright. So early though." I yawn.

"Yeah. Got an early training session."

"Alright babe. I have a meeting today so I probably won't be coming back here."

"Okay, I'll see you at yours then?"

"Yeah." I smile as Marcus gives me one last kiss before finally heading out. The events of last night soon come back to me and feel a big smile form on my face. Marcus was the type of boy that would open the door for any girl just because he felt obliged to. He would be the type that would cry seeing you walk down the aisle and he was definitely the type that could give you a taste of heaven on earth. I was definitely proud to call this boy my boyfriend and the one who I had now lost my virginity to.

I try to bring myself to get up, I had the biggest headache. I check the time and I had just a few hours until I had to head off to my meeting where the fate of my future was to be decided. It had been the only thing on my mind and I had gone through every scenario possible. I decide to clean up the mess from the night before to help Marcus out as well as returning the favour for all his effort.

I hop into the hot shower, taking my time still thinking about the decision that had been hovering over my mind for the past few months. I force myself to finally get out of the shower before grabbing a hoodie from Marcus' wardrobe since I hadn't brought anything else other than my graduation dress really. I send Marcus a quick text before heading out to my car.

just about to leave your place, cleaned up the most of the mess from yesterday so don't have to worry about it anymore. I'll see you soon, my love 😘

I make a short pit stop at my apartment to change into some more appropriate clothes for my meeting before heading out because I was already running late.

I walk into my manager's office really nervous about what is going to unfold. I knew that either way I was going to be disappointed and hurt.

"Good morning, Jay." I smile, taking a seat next to her.

"Morning, B. How was graduation?" She smiles, going in for a hug.

"It was great. I had a really good day."

"I heard it went well." She smiles "We're all very proud of you. And as a little graduation gift from the team we got you these." She says handing me over a box of chocolates with a card.

"Aw. Thank you." I smile, grateful.

"Now, time for some serious business." She starts "I haven't really gotten much from the recording company other than the confirmation of their offer, but I will get the full details about the whole
process and how things will basically roll out." I nod, trying to take in all the information, still thinking about what my decision was going to be. "Now, have you really made a decision yet?"

"I've been thinking about it a lot. I really have. I had a really firm idea of what I wanted at one point but things have changed so much in such a short period of time and I haven't really made up my mind yet."

"Look, I know it's hard. It's not going to be easy to leave your family. It's not going to be easy to build a new life. But you have to think about the long run, Bianca. You have to think about your future. It's all about you now."

"I know, Jay. But it's really hard. I don't want to leave what I have." I didn't want to leave Marcus. He was more than just a boy to me, he was a necessity. He was a source of happiness I did not want to lose. I don't want my future without him in it.

"Look, I don't want to put anymore pressure on you but I know that you already know that a decision has to be made soon."

"I know." I frown.

"Have you talked to anyone about it?" She asks.

"Only my sister and Daisy knows."

"Are you planning to tell anyone else?"

"I've really wanted to talk to Marcus about it but I can never bring myself to."

"That might just be for the better," She starts "for now, anyways."

Jay carries on to tell me about the possibilities of what could happen and I didn't like a single thing about it. Yes, a music contract with a major label company sounds like the dream, because it is a dream for many, including me but it has got me to rethink about this so called dream of mine. I don't want to accept it. I don't want to leave my family and friends especially the boy who puts stars in my sky.

After losing track of the time, talking over how I was feeling and how we could possibly approach it, I finally excuse myself. My throbbing headache had now developed into a sore stomach. I could tell I was getting the flu and it isn't helping the situation at all.

I make the short, lonely drive home still with one thing on my mind. I change into more comfortable clothes before hopping into bed. After a long day, I had been waiting for just time to myself. I don't really get it often but with Daisy staying between Caleb's house and our apartment gave me the freedom to do so today. I think about how I could possibly tell Marcus about how our relationship could possibly end. I didn't want to lose him. Not this way anyways. I've fallen madly inlove him.

"Babe?" I hear the familiar voice call out from the living room "I brought food."

"In here." I yell, my voice was really raspy at this point.

"Hey, sweet." I smile.

"Hey, babe." He smiles, hovering over me, leaning in for a kiss.

"Babe, I don't want to get you sick." I say turning my head.

"You feeling okay?" He says, putting the back of his hand against my forehead.

"I think I've come down with the flu."

"Ah, that's no good." He frowns "Luckily for you, you've got your yourself a good boyfriend, who brought you some food."

"I am quite lucky aren't I." I smirk, pulling him down into bed.

Marcus kindly brings the food into my room since I really didn't have the energy in me to get up. We cuddle as we watch our favourite T.V series on netflix, with not a care in the world. Just like I wanted in my future.

- ♡ -

hey all, sorry this one was a little boring. Please bear with me as some of the boring ones are necessary for the plot but hold tight because there's more exciting and dramatic *smirk* things coming very soon! x

I hope everyone's had a great tuesday, we can get through this together! Please continue to vote and tell me what you think, it's really in my best interest x

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now