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I wake up feeling completely shit about myself because of last night. The rest of the night was awkward as Marcus dropped me home. We barely talked during the ride home and it was totally understandable. I don't know what had gotten into me. I went into protection mode, putting the walls back up, so that I wouldn't be the one that would get hurt every time. The thought of London and leaving just popped into my head in that moment.

I did not want to fall in love with Marcus. But I can't help but to. It's not his fault. He doesn't even know where I would potentially be heading. I know that I shouldn't have taken it out on him.

Daisy hasn't been home much lately. I'm guessing she's been spending a lot more time with Caleb. I'm happy that she's happy, but I soon found myself all alone quite a bit.

I call Jason, who was one of the only boys I talked to from the club, other than Marcus of course. I just needed someone to talk to.

"JJ?" I say into the phone, I didn't even realise I was crying at this point until I feel a tear drop onto my hand.

"Bianca? Is everything okay?" Says Jason, clearly concerned, hearing my cries.

"I just needed someone to talk to. I'm sorry to bother you."

"No, no. It's okay Bianca. I'm just on the way to the club for a meeting but I promise I'm coming over straight after. Okay?" He says, reassuring me.

"Okay." Is all I can say, before I thank him and hang up.

I force myself out of bed after a few hours in bed and look into the mirror. I was a mess. I can't help but blame it all on myself. Marcus hadn't talked to me all day. I was expecting it but it didn't make me feel any better.

I tie my hair up in a messy ponytail, throw on a hoodie and trackies, trying to motivate myself to start on the pile of books, quickly growing on my table.

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of my doorbell. I open the door to Jason. I don't say anything and just hug him.

"Hey, now. What's wrong B?" He says, pulling me in.

"I'm an idiot, Jason." I cry into his shoulder.

"No you're not, Bianca." He says rubbing my back. "What happened?" we sit down on the couch and I tell him the whole story of what happened last night. He stays quiet the whole time, just giving me nods.

"I didn't know you and Marcus we're that close." He says, quite surprised.

"It happened so quickly. I just didn't want to get hurt"

"That's fine, Bianca. That doesn't make you a bad person." He says, reassuring me.

"But, it's not like I don't like him because I do. I regret pulling away."

"Marcus will understand. He's the most modest, gentle guy I've ever met."

"Exactly. He deserves better" My heart drops as I say this, because i know it's true. "He hasn't talked to me all day."

"Just give him time. He's probably feeling the same as you."

"You're right, J. Thank you." I say giving him a hug.

"Anything for you, B." He says, hugging me back. "Now, where's that smile that we all like to see?" I flash him a small smile and can't help but laugh because of how stupid I felt.

"Much better." He smiles back "I brought you some macca's since i figured you'd be hungry."

"Thank you. I'm starving!" I smile as I grab the macca's bag from my table and bring it to the couch where we had been sitting. We decide to watch a movie before JJ went because i was enjoying his company.

"C'mon, just one more." I say, tugging on his arm.

"C'mon B, we've already watched two. I have a flight to catch tomorrow."

"Fine" I sigh, letting go of my grip.

"Since you love my company so much, why don't you go on a roadtrip with a couple of the boys and I?"

"And when would that be?"

"Well, we have an away game this weekend, but that's followed by a bye so the boys and I organised a road trip. You should come along, i'm sure Caleb's already invited Daisy." I nod and take the offer.

"Sounds good! Just text me all the details, yeah?"

"Of course," He says, flashing me a grin. "Bye, B. Take care of yourself okay? I'm only one call away." He says before giving me a hug.

"Thank you for coming, Jason. I really appreciate it. Definitely took my mind off it for a while." I smile, hugging him back.

"Thats what I'm here for, B." He says, before shutting the door behind him.

- ♡ -

sorry this was kind of boring, just a filler chapter (:

happy friday all x

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now