fourty two

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"And how are your headaches? Bearable?" Says Dr. Stanton, looking up from his clipboard.

"Yeah, it's still there but the medication is definitely helping. I find that I get so drowsy though." I say.

"Yeah, we talked about that last week. It is normal to feel drowsy especially with how much medication you're taking and the combination." He says as I nod "Just keep your eye on it and track when it happens, you know, so that when it gets worse we can adjust your meds."

"Yeah, will do." I nod.

"Now, everything looks good. I'm happy with how your travelling during rehab and the whole recovery altogether. I will definitely get back with the rehab institute and see how they think your going but if it all holds up, you should be perfectly fine for preseason, seeing that it's in the few months coming. But, until then I want you to take things easy so that you're recovery is smooth moving." He smiles, putting the clipboard back in its hook before I say goodbye and sign myself out.

I hop into the elevator, walking out of the hospital. Sighing of relief when I see no cameras meeting me. I walk to my car and decide to make a detour to my mum's place. Since I've woken up, mums been nothing but worried, as well as relieved of course. She wants to make sure I'm always okay and am taking my medication at the right time. She's been my biggest support since I always really find myself alone at home because Tayla was either out training, at meetings or just doing her own thing. I was happy with her success but she never really found the time for me which did disappoint me since all I really needed was her support.

"Marcus!" says mum, opening the door cheerily "How have you been, my boy?" she smiles, giving me a hug before letting me inside.

"I've been doing well, just came back from my check up and thought I'd pop in." I say, taking a seat on the couch, sighing of relief that I could finally sit down since I could feel a migraine forming.

"That's good. Any news?"

"Yeah, not really. All looks to be normal which is good. If all goes well, they said I should be fine for preseason."

"Ah, that's great!" she smiles, taking a seat next to me.

"Oh, hey bro." says Sienna walking into the room.

"Hey," I smile "why aren't you at school?"

"Took the day off." she shrugs "how are you feeling?"

"I've been feeling much better."

"And your memory?" she asks gently, like it was a sensitive topic.

"You see, it's been so weird. I've been having dreams of this girl" I start "I think you guys know her" they turn to each other, giving off a look "what's her name?" I say clicking my fingers, unable to get my finger around it. They both let out a mumble as their expression changes.

"That's it! Her name is Bianca?" I say, confident that it was her name.

"Oh," my sister says, her face turning pale as she looks to my mum for support.

"What about her, love?" my mum asks, concern taking over her face.

"I've been dreaming about her but I have no idea why." I say.

"What type of dreams?" says Sienna, barely a whisper.

"It's weird, like it's hard to explain. It all seems so real," I start, trying to recall my dream from last night "last night I dreamt that I went on a camping trip with Luke, Caleb, Jake, Abby and Bianca but it seemed like I was in a relationship with Bianca? We were both being sweet to each other."

"The camping trip in February." whisper Sienna to my mum as they give each other a relieved look.

"What?" I say furrowing my eyebrows in confusion "Who is she?"

"Marcus," my mum starts, looking at Sienna for support.

"What are you guys hiding?" I say, my expression changing.

"The doctors told us that we shouldn't tell you anything except for the accident. The rest they want you to figure out." she sighs.

"How do you guys expect me to figure it out myself? I'm basically missing nearly a year of my memory and you guys want me to figure that out all myself?" I say, trying to remain calm not wanting to lash out on my mum and sister.

"She was your girlfriend." My sister says, barely a whisper, after a long pause. The dreams and flashbacks finally all make sense. Bianca was my girlfriend. But what happened with Tayla and I?

"But what about Tayla and I? What happened?"

They both look at each another not wanting to say anymore as I beg them to tell me more but insist that they've told me too much.

"Talk to Dr. Stanton about it." my mum sighs "I can come for support if you want?"

"It's fine." I sigh. I decide to finally go, as everything was getting too much and my migraine was close to unbearable. I also wanted to get Tayla's side of everything for some more clarity.

"Take care of yourself, love." my mum says giving me a hug.

"Love you, bro." says Sienna, giving me a hug.

"Love you both. I'll see you soon." I say before finally heading out and sitting in my car, trying to get my breath back since I felt like I had no control over my body anymore which usually happened when I had such bad migraines my head would start spinning.

I finally make the drive home, excited to see Tayla since she's only home for small chunks at a time. I see her car in the garage aswell as a motorbike, we must have a visitor.

I put my key in, sighing of relief to finally be home. All I wanted to do was get in bed and nap.

"Marcus?" says Tayla, getting the shock of her life, not expecting me home. I stand at the bedroom door in shock. My body tenses, as I feel my heart drop. And all of a sudden, everything comes back. I finally know why we broke up, because she'd done exactly the same thing before, resulting in our break up.

- ♡ -

Never takes too long until Tayla mucks it up! We never really liked her anyway, hey! Hahah! (btw, no hate towards Tayla Harris at all I think she's an amazing footballer and is a great face for the game). What has she done now?

How are you lovelies doing? Always love hearing from our little wattpad fam! x

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now