twenty six

272 10 19

"Left wing, ICU head trauma, ward 45." Says the tall blonde, who was standing at reception, who didn't look too happy to see me or be doing her job altogether. I give her a quick thank you as I follow her instructions closely. I had made my way to the hospital as soon as I made the phone call to Geraldine which was nothing easy. She wasn't at the game but had seen the incident unfold on T.V but heard nothing until I called. She too was on her way to the hospital with the girls.

I brace myself as I hop out of the elevator that had taken me into the ICU. My mum, being a nurse, worked in the ICU unit and always told us kids how horrific it was. The ICU was basically for people who had gotten into very serious incidents and were on life support, barely hanging on a thread. You got people who were simply crippled by cancer. I take a deep breath as I approached ward 45, walking past all sorts of people in dreadful conditions.

I walk into Marcus' room, seeing his lifeless body on the hospital bed to my left. I approach his bed slowly, taking the seat next to it. I grab his cold hand and squeeze it gently as I cry into his arm.

"I'm sorry." I whisper, feeling the tears fall down my cheeks. If it wasn't for your confrontation between you and Alex, you wouldn't be in this state. You would be doing just fine. "Please wake up." I cry. Although it wasn't me who had done this, I was the one at fault. I was the who triggered it. I should be mad at Alex but I was mad at myself. It was just as much as my fault as much as it was Alex's. Why didn't I just tell Marcus straight away? Why didn't I force Marcus to stay at the café and hear me out?

"Bianca." I hear someone say, walking into the room. I look up from Marcus' arm to see who it was.

"Oh, hi Dais." I say, bluntly.

"I came right away, although they wouldn't let me in, I just said I was Marcus' sister." She says. I give her a nod. She comes over to me and gives me a hug as I start to cry in her shoulder blaming myself for the whole
situation as she tries to reassure me that it was in no way my fault.

"I'm an idiot." I cry, looking at my boyfriends cold body. He was connected to heaps of machines that all had their unique purpose to keep Marcus alive. I hadn't heard much about what the doctors had to say about his condition since they still had to do their tests since it was so early in the morning.

"Don't be like that." She frowns at me.

"If it wasn't for me, Marcus wouldn't be like this."

"It wasn't you, Bianca. Don't blame yourself for this." I cry, holding Marcus' hand wishing that I could just turn back time and do things differently.

I lay there holding my boyfriends hand for what feels like forever, not wanting to let go, as I feel myself dose off, still holding Marcus' hand not wanting to leave his side. It had been a long night and the build up of everything was just exhausting. I didn't feel well but I know I was better off than Marcus.

"Hey, love? How are you?" A familiar voice says, shaking my arm to wake me. I rub my eyes and look up at the person.

"Hi, Geraldine," I smile, giving her a hug "I'm doing okay. Must've dosed off." I yawn. I give Sienna and Olivia hugs as they walk in.

"Have the doctors said anything?" Geraldine says, staring down at her son before walking over to his side, stroking his arm.

"No," I say, I look down at my phone to check the time. 6:30am. "They should be in soon."

"How long have you been here, dear?" She frowns.

"Since last night."

"Bianca, head home. You've been here all night, go grab yourself some breakfast and take a shower. I'll be here with Marcus." Geraldine tells me. I was still in my clothes from last night and I looked a mess. She frowns at me telling me she was worried about me.

"It's okay. I'm doing fine, really."

"Bianca, I know you don't want to leave his side but it's not going to do you any good just being here, dear. You have to look after yourself too."

"I'm sorry." I whisper, crying into her shoulder as she pulls me into a hug.

"Don't be silly! Why are you sorry, Bianca?"

"I feel like this is all my fault."

"This is not your fault, B." Says Liv, chiming in.

"The AFL Committee is doing an investigation. There is no way it is your fault." Says Geraldine, comforting me.

I wipe away my tears, before excusing myself to go to the bathroom to clean myself up. I look at myself in the mirror, I had bags under my eyes and they were swollen. I wash my face to wake myself up before tying my hair up into a messy bun and heading out to say goodbye to Geraldine and the girls.

"See you, Bianca. Take it easy okay?" Says Geraldine. I give her a nod before hugging the rest of the girls.

"I'll be back soon." I say, before walking over to Marcus' bed and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

I make my way out of the ICU, putting on my sunglasses so I could hide the pain in my eyes. As soon as I walk out the door, I get bombarded by the media desperate for any news on Marcus.

"Bianca, how is Marcus doing?"

"How are you coping?"

"Has Alex apologised?"

They all yell at me with questions as I keep my head down, looking for my car. They follow me snapping pictures, I already know how horrible I looked. I don't say a single word as I try to walk, barely able to see through the group of photographers that had now surrounded me. Surely I didn't park this far.

Relief fills my body as I spot my black Jeep, hopping in and slamming the door on all their faces. I drive out of the hospital as I make the long, dreadful drive home.

I hadn't checked my phone since last night and it was filled of messages wishing Marcus well. But not a single one from Alex. What a coward. Anger is an understatement to describe how I felt towards Alex. Why did he have to bring Marcus into this?

I hop into the shower, taking advantage of the rare time I got of being alone. My life was a tornado and was destroying everything in it's path. I take this time to think about the possibilities. What if Marcus never wakes up? What if he doesn't even remember me? What if he can never play footy ever again? All because of me.

I was stressed, my eyes once filled with happiness and content was nothing but dark and unhappy. I was still sick, constantly feeling the need to throw up everything I tried to eat. I make myself some breakfast but do nothing except pick at it. I stare into space, unable to concentrate on anything I try to do. Why me?


a sad one :( this took me a while to write because I could barely word myself :/ hope you all liked though! I've been super lazy lately, i usually finish a chapter each day but i've been struggling with finishing a single chapter over a couple of days! I don't know why but I really need to hustle!

How's everyone's Tuesday going? Matty Boydy announced his retirement today :( #thankyouboydy

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now