seventy five

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"You look stunning!" I squeal after spritzing some finishing spray on Daisy.

"Ah! Thank you, you did all the magic." Daisy smiles.

"Makes it easier when the client's already gorgeous."I wink "CALEB!"

"What's up?" Caleb runs into the room frantic "Holy moly! Babe, you looking like a snack." he winks.

"Why thank you." Daisy chuckles, giving Caleb a peck on the lips.

"How long till you're ready, babe? We should leave soon."

"In 2 minutes." Daisy says, looking at herself in the mirror one more time.

"Your guest is here by the way, B." Caleb smirks.

"My guest? I didn't invite anyone." I ask, confused.

"I invited him." Daisy shoots a look at Caleb.

"Well Marcus is in the living room." Caleb smirks at me.

"Lovely." I laugh, shooting Daisy a look.

"I didn't want you to be lonely tonight and what perfect time for you guys to talk than now. You're welcome, darl." Daisy smiles, giving me a kiss on the cheek before making her way into the living room. Caleb follows, dragging me with him.

"Caleb, no I look so ba-" I hesitate "Hey, Marcus."

"Hey, B. Still in our PJ's are we?" He chuckles, standing up to give me a hug.

"There's no need to judge, had a late morning." I laugh.

"Alright, we're off. See ya's." Daisy giving Marcus and I both a hug.

"See ya, babe. Have fun." I smile "Make sure you guys get home in one piece." I tell Caleb.

"Yes, ma'm." Caleb nods before giving me a hug.

"Have fun, lovers." Marcus winks.

I close the door behind Caleb and Daisy before taking a seat next to Marcus on the couch who had already conveniently turned the TV on.

"So where are they going again?" Marcus asks.

"Caleb's cousins 18th." I say "Decided to pop in for a visit?"

"Yeah, well Daisy told me you were alone tonight and thought you'd want some company since.." Marcus smiles at me "we need figure out a few things."

"Correct." I say "But dinner first?"

"What've you got planned, chef?" Marcus nods.

"Tacos, sound good?" I ask, looking into the fridge, hoping we had the ingredients for it.

"Sounds like a plan." Marcus cheers "Let me give you a hand."

"Thank you." I say, taking all the ingredients out of the fridge and placing them on the bench "I'll do the cutting duties and you can start cooking the mince pork?"

"You got it." Marcus winks.

"Why do boys feel the need to wink all the time? Do you guys always have shit in your eye or something?" I say, sarcastically.

"We just do. We think we look sexy."

"Well you guys look like you have an eye infection." I joke.

"Wow, Hart. That's a bit harsh, isn't it?"

"It's all truth, Bontempelli." I wink, mocking him.

I manage to cut all the vegetables without cutting myself along the way, Marcus sarcastically congratulates me as the smell of our little creation fills the whole apartment.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2020 ⏰

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