sixty five

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"Come here." She smiles, pulling me in closer as I place my head on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry. These are happy tears I swear." I chuckle, wiping my tears away "I'm just really glad you came."

"Of course. Always." she smiles "Here let me take those for you."

"Melbourne air just seems so much more different. You can really tell." I giggle as I hop into Daisy's ever so familiar red Hyundai i30.

"Yeah? How was everything? You have to tell me every single detail!" Daisy says eagerly, hopping into the drivers seat.

"Different. Good. But yeah, different." I say, the memories of the events that happened present in my mind.

"And how's the little one?" she says, looking at my barely noticeable bump. Since I was only into my second trimester I was still able to hide my bump by wearing oversized shirts and jumpers.

"Good. We had our last appointment a couple of days ago and everything was good, I even heard a heartbeat." I say, rubbing my stomach.

"Aw! That's amazing. I wish I could have shared that moment with you." says Daisy, rubbing my stomach.

"I'm so excited. He/She's absolutely gorgeous." I smile, taking out the ultrasound photos.

"I'm gonna be an aunt!" Daisy squeals, giving me a big hug.

I continue to tell her about my time in London and how things weren't really too different compared to the drama here in Melbourne. We both ignore the elephant in the room of why I was really here. Daisy was clearly unsure when to bring up the real reason I was here or maybe she was simply just waiting for me to bring it up so she wouldn't have to.

"So, yeah. It was crazy but it feels good to be home." I smile.

"It's good to have you home," she adds "I'm sure Kate will be excited to see you!"

"Yeah.." I say, uneasy about the fact that I'll have to tell them sooner or later.

"Do they know you're here?"

"No." I say, feeling the guilt build up inside of me "You're the only one that knows about..anything."

"Oh, okay." Daisy says "When are you planning on telling your mum?"

"Soon. I don't want to wait to tell them because they don't know I'm here and I wouldn't want them thinking i'm hiding from them."

"Yeah of course." Daisy says "And Marcus?" she asks, carefully.

"Yeah. Soon but I just don't know." I say, quietly almost to myself. During the 20 hour flight home all I was thinking about was Marcus and how I'd tell him. Do I want him in my life? Can we make it work? Or would it just be for the best to not be together again. All I wanted was the best for my baby. Our baby. The near future scared me more than anything and I didn't know what to do but I knew that I had to figure that out soon. Somehow.

As I enter the familiar elevator that took us up to Daisy and I's old apartment, I feel like I'm finally at home for the first time. Sure when I got off the plane and stepped out I was technically at home but it wasn't until that moment I was actually at our apartment it felt real. Because home is where the heart is and there is where I hold some of the very best times of my life.

"Welcome home!" says a familiar voice I wasn't expecting see.

"Caleb?!" I say, running to give him a hug "What're you doing here?"

"I've moved in." he smiles "But it's okay, you've still got your room."

"Ah, since when?!"

"Daisy was feeling a little lonely and needed some company so." Caleb shrugs.


"Ah, she's still got the aussie in her." Caleb laughs to Daisy.

"I sure do." I laugh.

"Okay, but how was it?!" says Caleb, excitedly putting down the remote console.

"Yeah, it was good. Nothing I expected but I really enjoyed my time there." I say.

"That's good!" he says "So why the sudden change in plans? I thought you were staying there for a few more months." I flash Daisy a look unsure whether or not she's told him. I trust that she hasn't and decide to say a little fib.

"I just wasn't enjoying it as much as I hoped too. Yeah, all the fame was good but I wanted more than just that. Ultimately, at the end of the day I was coming home to an empty apartment when I could be with my family and friends instead." I say, sighing of relief that I managed to get that out without stuttering.

"Well, it's nice having you back!" says Caleb, squeezing me "Jason will be thrilled!"

"I'm sure?" I say, awkwardly.

"Now, the most important question.. My Belgian chocolates?" says Caleb, crossing his fingers.

"I thought you'd have forgotten!" I chuckle "But, of course I wouldn't want to let you down and because I'm amazing.." I say, fiddling with my big bag trying to find it "I've got it!"

"You. Are. Amazing." says Caleb, excited like a kid on Christmas day being given his new train toy, lifting me off the ground.

"Tell me something I don't know, Caleb." I smirk. I begin to bring in my suitcase into my old room that was adjacent to Daisy and now Caleb's bedroom. My room was basically empty without a bed but I had most of my clothes still here which made it easy. I notice that Daisy has put in the effort to at least have a mattress for me to stay in which I very much appreciated.

"Yeah, sorry a mattress was all we had. I didn't know whether or not you wanted to stay here with us or go back home so we put one in just in case." says Daisy, who looked stressed. I felt terrible for putting her in such a situation.

"Thanks, Dais." I smile "I really appreciate you doing all this in such short notice. I'm sorry for the stress I've put you in."

"No stress. Anything for you, bestie. I know you'd do it for me." she smiles "Are you going to go home?"

"I'll be staying here," I say "but I'm visiting mum today because.."

"Yeah." she says "I'm the only one that knows, B. Caleb just thinks you got bored of London. He knows not to tell the other boys just in case it gets out to the wrong person."

"I know." I say "Thanks, Dais."

"Alright babe, I'm off to training." says Caleb, coming into my room, giving Daisy a kiss.

"See you, love." Daisy smiles.

"Bye, B."

"Bye, Caleb." I say.

"Babe," says Daisy before Caleb could get out of the room "You mind dropping Bianca off at her place? It's an emergency."

"Yeah, of course." says Caleb "Everything 0kay?"

"Yeah. Just need a ride."

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now