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"What about tonight?"

"Marcus, it's nearly 9." I say, through the phone barely able to stay awake because of all the homework i had done today.

"And?" He says, still trying to convince me to go on a date with him.

"I've been doing work all day, I'm really tired and I'm a mess."

"Bet you still look like a pretty mess." I can almost hear him smirking as he says it.

"Maaaaarcussss," I say, really not knowing what to say "I'm flattered but I am also very tired."

"Tomorrow night?" He asks through the phone "Please."

"I've got Uni all day." I yawn.

"Aw! but please." He says whining into the phone like a 3 year old.

"You just won't give up will you?"

"Never." He says, in a dark voice making me chuckle.

"I'm sorry, Marcus but after I graduate I'm all yours."

"But I want you now."

"Marcus, I already told you, I can't."

"But, Bianca-" He starts but I cut him off

"I have to wake up early tomorrow. I'll talk to you in the morning alright? Goodnight my little sook." I say into my phone, barely able to keep my eyes open.

"Oh, Bianca you're such a party pooper!" He says, clearly not giving up "I'm not gonna give up."

"I can see that. Try again tomorrow." I laugh.

"And I will. Goodnight Bianca, I'm sure you'll have sweet dreams about me." He smirks.

"Goodnight Marcus." I say, before hanging up the phone and dosing off to sleep.
I am woken up by my alarm clock to get my day started. I pop on my pastel pink denim skirt, a white crop top and my denim jacket. I quickly tie my hair up in a messy bun and pop on my adidas originals before grabbing my bag and breakfast on the go. I make my way out and it was still dark at this point, with the sun just starting to make its appearance.

I couldn't wait for the day I graduated, not only would I be able to do my own thing, I would be able to finally live my dream. I know the my dream wouldn't just come to me. It was something I had to work for and it was something I wanted to work for.

"Good morning, Ms." I say as I walk in, being the first one, I had a choice where I wanted to sit which is a first since I'm always the last.

"Oh, good! You're early I wanted to talk to you, Bianca" She says, as she gets up from her seat and approaches mine.


"As you know we are nearing graduation, and this is the time where companies start looking at our students to hopefully, you know, offer them opportunities." I nod "There is a company that has been looking at a few of your works, and they especially love your compositions. Although, nothing has been confirmed I can tell you that they are very interested."

"Oh, really?" I smile, in shock. "That's amazing!"

"They are based in London."

"Oh," My heart drops. "Okay."

"But, I don't want that to put you off. I know how hard you're working just to graduate and you deserve it. You have time so just think." She says, giving me a reassuring smile.

"I will. Thank you so much."

I can't help but think about the possibility of moving away from my family and friends. What about Marcus? Although he has only been in my life for a short time, i was slowly developing feelings for him and I didn't want this to just end. I don't want to leave my home, where I had grown up all my life. However, this was just a possibility. I should just let it unfold.

Ny thoughts are interrupted by my phone dinging, midway through my last class. I slowly take my phone out of my pocket and read the notification.

hey bianca (: i just finished training and i'm on my way to pick you up from uni and i'm taking you out somewhere. no excuses this time b x

I let out a small chuckle to myself and receive a few weird stares from my classmates. I ignore them and type a response as the last bell goes signalling the end of the day.

you just won't give up will you! just finished my last class. see you soon x

I walk down the stairs to the front of the school to find Marcus waiting in his car. I knock on the door as he gives me a smile before letting me in.

"You're basically kidnapping me you know." I say, crossing my arms.

"Hello to you too." He laughs. I give him a glare and he puts his arms up, surrendering.

"Oh, c'mon. Trust me Bianca." He says giving me a wink.

"Fine. Only cause I don't totally hate you." I smile.

"Now, that's what I like to see." He says, resting his hand under my chin.

We pull up to what appears to be a Carnival near Brighton Pier.

"Woah, this looks amazing." I say, excitement in my voice.

"A little birdy told me that you like Carnivals, so I thought i'd bring you here." He says giving me a grin.

"You did your research, huh?"

"I did." He gives me cheeky smile, followed by a nod.

"Let's go." I say pulling on his arm, walking towards the rides. I soon learn that Marcus is scared of heights but I manage to convince him to go on all the thrill rides.

"Don't you think you've had enough of the thrill rides, B?" He says, looking a little pale "I can't keep up!" I laugh at his reaction and give in.

"Alright, fine." I say

"My turn to pick now." He says, grabbing my hand and leading me to the ferris wheel.

"Thought you were afraid of heights?" I ask, as we get lead into our carriage.

"I am, but I'm tough enough for the ferris wheel." I laugh and take the seat next to him. I snap a photo of the view and post on my snapchat.

We reach the top and I take in the amazing view of what is Melbourne. I could literally stay up there and admire it forever. I cuddle closer to Marcus, as he puts his arm around me. I rest my head on his shoulder.

"It's absolutely beautiful up here," I say as I look up at Marcus "Thank you for tonight, Marcus. I've enjoyed it so much."

"You're Welcome, Bianca." He says looking down at me. I give him a smile and I can feel our heads coming closer together. I turn away and quickly regret what I had just done.

"I'm sorry." I say pulling away from his grip

- ♡ -

happy wednesday everyone! hope you liked this one, left you guys on a bit of a cliffhanger there (; thought i'd update tonight because why not ahaha

stay tuned for moreee, bit of drama coming hahaha

will still update on friday though so don't worry for too long. love you all xx

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now