thirty five

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"Babe come here." I say, pulling her closer to my chest.

"It's cold." She shivers, placing her head on my chest as I rub her arms trying to warm her up.


"Better." She says looking up at me, giving me a peck on the lips.


"And how have you been feeling? You been feeling drowsy at all?" Says Dr. Stanton as he carries on with my weekly check up.

"It's been pretty good. I'm still quite drowsy though." I say.

"Ah, well if that's the case then when you come back next time just tell me and I'll give you some stronger medication for that." He says as I nod "And rehab, how have you been travelling?"

"Good. I'm tracking ahead of what they expect but still no training."

"Have you been noticing any difference in Marcus' health or behaviour, Tayla?"

"Hmm, no." She says.

How would she know? She's barely home half the time.

"Well then, all is looking good. I will see you guys back next week. Take care of yourself." He smiles.

"You too." I say, as I grab Tayla's hand walking out of his office.

"Alright, babe. Wanna go for a coffee then visit mum?" I say, as we hop into the car.

"Mhmm.. what about dress shopping for the launch instead?"

"Alright." I sigh.



"Hello? Earth to Marcus." Says Tayla snapping her fingers infront of my face as I bring myself back to reality.

"Oh-uh-yeah?" I say, confused at what I was looking at.

"So which one did you like? The first or second?" She says pointing over to the dress in the corner before twirling around in the one she was wearing.


"But I like the blue." She whines.

"Then go with blue." I snap, trying to stay calm although I had been sitting here for nearly two hours as she showed me potential dresses for the AFLW Launch on Tuesday.

"Fine," She huffs "Thanks for your help." She says sarcastically before barging back into the dressing room. I take a deep breath, not knowing why I was here.

"Look, babe I'm catching up with Caleb. I'll see you back at the house." I say.

"Okay, bye baby." She says opening the door and giving me a quick kiss before shutting the door in my face.

I wasn't going to see Caleb, I needed to go for a drive and get myself out of that situation. I don't know what's happened but I don't remember Tayla and I's relationship like this. I was happier than this and now I feel like absolute shit.

I find myself at a secluded beach where I went to clear my mind. When I needed a break from reality and just go and be on my own for a while to think about things.

"Holy Shit, Bianca." I say, putting my hand over my mouth.

"What Marcus?! Is there something on my face?" She says, covering her face.

"No," I smile "You just look absolutely stunning tonight." I say as I takes her hand and twirls her.

"Oh, stop it!" She blushes "You're so damn cheesy, Marcus." She smiles as she punches my arm. I give her a cheeky smile followed by a wink before we hop out of the car.


Who was this girl and why am I having weird flashbacks? I always found myself zoning out and having weird flashbacks as well as dreams about her. I had no absolute clue why it was happening and why it all felt so real.

She was gorgeous, her smile and her eyes. She seemed smart, outgoing and talented. I looked happy in all the flashbacks that have been coming to me in the past few days and so did she. I wanted answers and I didn't know where to go or who to go to. No one wanted to tell me anything since they are supposedly not allowed to. But why? I just want to know who this girl is and why she's appearing in my dreams. It frustrated me more than anything. I've lost memory of the last year and no one wants to tell me a single thing.

I want to meet her. I want to ask her all the questions because she would the be only one able to answer them accurately but where do I find her? I know nothing about her except for her name.

How could I be in a relationship with someone and not remember them? I wonder how she was feeling and what she was doing right now. She's probably forgotten about me too.

- ♡ -

Marcus, babe. No she hasn't! What a chapter, Tayla is still annoying the crap out of everyone. How's everyone's day been? Still really disappointed about the boys missing finals. Especially because that means no more seeing Marcus play 😭

Hope you guys enjoyed this one, continue to like/comment! xx

Half A Heart ♡ A Marcus Bontempelli FanficWhere stories live. Discover now